1/2 plo 3bet pot multiple decisions

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1/2 plo 3bet pot multiple decisions

BB: $171.21
HJ: $420.86
CO: $201.58 (Hero)
BN: $158.68
SB: $365.12
Preflop ($3.00) (5 Players)
Hero was dealt 4 3 7 9
HJ folds, Hero raises to $6, BN raises to $21, SB folds, BB folds, Hero calls $15
Flop ($45.00) 6 Q 5 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BN checks
Turn ($45.00) 6 Q 5 T (2 Players)
Hero checks, BN bets $35.59, Hero calls $35.59
River ($116.18) 6 Q 5 T 2 (2 Players)
Hero bets $113.38
Villains is a good regular, playing up to 5/10 and not always buying fullstack. I have him at 26/21 @1.6k hands, btn 3bet 11%, cbet in 3bp - 76%. Generally plays strong non-tricky poker and bets wide for value and stacks wide in 3b pots.

Pre could be kind of loose, w/e.

My plan on the flop was to just c/r pot as he cbets pretty wide and I was sure at that time that he would cbet his entire range. Alas, he didn't.

Questions are about turn and river play:
I could see all options on the turn, as I was pretty confused by his flop check. Bet/folding seems a reasonable option as I don't have a hand and my outs are less clear. Check/calling is the line I hated that time as I didn't have a specific plan on the river, but looking back I can probably bluff some cards that don't hit me. Check/raising would be kind of spewy if he shows up with KQJx/QJ9x etc, which are in my opinion his most likely hands.

River plays is very dependent on what I should be doing on the turn...as played do you think I should valuebet against his range with a perceived missed draw, or I should let him bluff himself with a draw.

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