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1/2/5 Live PLO - We turn a set and I am not sure what to do

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1/2/5 Live PLO - We turn a set and I am not sure what to do

Weird spot in this game. I am up about 2k but have been running bad for a while. I am comfortable in this game and there is a lot of preflop 2 betting but no real 3 betting going on. I have a super fish to my right that will play any 4 cards. I have a weak passive player to my left. And I have a few fish at the table. Its late in the night and the game is good. I am raising a lot OR just flatting the fish to my right anytime he raises.

Straddle hand. I make it $40 on the button after a bunch of limps with
everyone calls

Its checked around. I don't think much of this flop but with spades and wheel combos with everyone calling I just check. I don't think I am cbetting this flop ever at this table.

SB leads for $175 and we get 2 callers. UTG (fish with a wide range but not horrible) and V to my right (super fish any 4 cards).
What do we do here? What can we put players on? Especially when they are weak passive and c flop and lead turn? Id like to see some PJ work on this bc I don't have that. My thought process is that spades are calling, 2,4 or 6,4 are calling a lot here. A combo of those 2 ranges for sure calls quickly. Now QJ is in the mix too. For the SB I think he only leads HUGE hands like 33 55 KK QJss AQJss but I have seen him really bet draws all night so I am leaning towards a set. I also find it hard to think he checks flop w KK and its more weighted to 33 55. The only problem with that range is that I don't know if he calls $40 from SB (as the first caller) with any hands that are 33 55 unless its AA33 AA55.

Any insight would be nice.

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