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2.5-2.5-5 9-handed Live T986ds Early Pos is this EV+?

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2.5-2.5-5 9-handed Live T986ds Early Pos is this EV+?

Hero early pos Tc8c9d6d (320 stack) I have Tight Image, recent pot I won was with AAxx.
Utg limps so do I, I know you can raise here but I DONT WANT to play this hand 4+ way or more its just not good in my opinion. So I elected to limp-raise if the situation got right. I have very nitty image so I guess people would NEVER put me on this kind of hand. Afterwards I rather had 9876 or maybe a little lower but u gotta play with what cards thats dealt to you.

Several limpers then sb who seems decent raise to 30, bb,straddle and utg limper call when its heroes turn I pot
to around 200 leaving 120 behind. My plan is simple there is shitload off deadmoney, if the raiser has KK+ I am still doing fine vs that range. THEY WILL put me on AAxx type off hand and maybe I can get action from a lower rundown.

The raiser really thinks about his decision for a long time, he doest not seem happy with callings since last time I did something like this I had aces . After some time he finally sighs and calls, straddle jams. We call it off.

sb shows AKK2s , straddle QQ76ds. Based on the situation is this maybe not a good play or is this to variance heavy?
I runned the simulation on propokertools and I had about 31%ish vs their hands. With the deadmoney this should be about breakeven or maybe a little ev+. Anyway what do you guys think?

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