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25/50 HU, flop/turn decision

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25/50 HU, flop/turn decision

BB: $6947.50
SB: $7206.18 (Hero)
Preflop ($75.00) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt 8 T 4 K
Hero raises to $125, BB calls $75
Flop ($275.00) 8 4 K (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $150, BB raises to $699.50, Hero calls $549.50
Turn ($1674.00) 8 4 K 9 (2 Players)
BB checks
Same good aggressive villain from my previous post..This was the first time he c/r me in the match (even though we haven't played that many hands), so I figured he has something here..What's better, flatting or 3betting the flop? I prefer flatting and eveluating turn..If I 3bet, I assume we are going with our hand, but I think if we get it in on the flop, we can't be ahead...I decided to call flop, and he checks the turn.. Help pls

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