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3b pot. OOP [PL50]

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3b pot. OOP [PL50]

Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (5 Players) SB: $68.15 (Hero)
BB: $55.44
UTG: $52.16
CO: $64.24
BN: $58.91
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is SB with A A Q 4
UTG folds, CO calls $0.50, BN raises to $2.25, Hero raises to $7.75, BB folds, CO folds, BN calls $5.50
Flop ($16.50) 7 J 2
Hero bets $13.50, BN raises to $51.16 and is all in

BTN. plays 30\16
open BTN 32%, fold to 3b - IP never
fold to cb in 3b pot = 42% wtsd 29%
bet IP vs missed 0\3

obv, intuitively its better bord for his range and such, but I'd like to see how we're doing vs GII range\ how much FE we have etc. to see if b\c could be the way to go or c/f vs passive opponent is preferable play
I've put some numbers in PPT. tho, have no clue if range assumptions are any good and what can we make of resuts from shove equity tool


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