4bet Pot vs maniac with low SPR and ~50% equity

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4bet Pot vs maniac with low SPR and ~50% equity

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sb player is over a small sample of 48 hands playing 71/54 with 47.4% 3bet. This was all 5-6 handed. copy/pasted HH from HM2 did not work, and it can't be edited, so included a weaktight link.

This is my first post here, I hope I did not mess up the formatting of the HH (or that I can edit it if I did)! Apparently copy/pasting from HM2 did not work for the HH, so I will try to figure this out and edit to fix it if I can. In the meantime.. here is a link to the uploaded hand on WT

weaktight HH

Anyways, I am confused on what to do here. I ended up shoving in real time, but after looking at this hand in PPT I am leaning more towards checking back the flop and calling on basically any turn, or jamming when checked to. Here is what I am looking at in PPT:

so, we can call off on any turn pretty happily, which I think might be an argument for checking back and inducing. I don't have any postflop stats on this guy, but he is likely going to be bluffing a lot given his preflop stats IMO. Should we push 51% on the flop, or check back and hope to induce from a bad hand and shove turns when checked to to deny his equity? Thanks!

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