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5 handed PLO backdooring the nuts HU OOP - Suggested river play?

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5 handed PLO backdooring the nuts HU OOP - Suggested river play?

5 Handed, UTG I limp AQJ8 SS to the Q. (The thought process is 85BB stack I don’t really want to play the hand in a 3 bet pot OOP, the 2 players behind me are aggressive preflop, nor do I want to raise fold the hand) and UTG+1 raises pot…I call, we are heads up. 238 rainbow, check/check, turn a rainbow 9 I bet half pot, he calls. River is a T, I make the nuts…

What river play (check or bet) sizing (if bet) do you suggest for me and why? If I check and he bets, size of X-raise?

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