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AA 4bet Pot on Paired Board

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AA 4bet Pot on Paired Board

Ignition - $200 PL Hi (6 max) - Omaha Hi - 6 players

CO: 197 BB
BTN: 140.53 BB
SB: 302.46 BB
BB: 31.18 BB
Hero (UTG): 116.3 BB Hero has 6s Ah 7s As
MP: 111.11 BB 41/30 over 27 hands

Hero raises to 3.5 BB, MP calls 3.5 BB, CO raises to 10 BB, fold, fold, BB calls 9 BB, Hero raises to 44 BB, MP calls 40.5 BB, fold, BB calls 21.18 BB and is all-in

Flop : (129.68 BB, 3 players) Th 6h Tc

What do you guys think should be our flop strategy? Do you think it is better to check and plan on value betting turn, or betting something really small on the flop? If we bet really small and get raised, do we just fold with A of hearts blocker and the short stack all-in?

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