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Cooler or mistake? 500BB pot on 10/20 GG Poker

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Cooler or mistake? 500BB pot on 10/20 GG Poker

Villain is reg, hero caller. Cant say much more, he is probably lurking here around. Its 10/20$ on GG Poker.
We both have 250BB. I open BTN with Ac Jh 9c 3s, he 3bets from BB.
FLOP 390$
3h 7c Ts
Villain: Check
Hero: Pot 390$

TURN 1170$
3h 7c Ts 8s
Villain: Check
Hero: Pot 1170$
Villain: call

RIVER 3510$ - We have 3400$ behind.
3h 7c Ts 8s 3c
Villain: Check
Hero: AI 3400$.
Villain : Calls with Kd Jc 8d 8c

It seems to me like GTO I have close shove on the river and villain is a hero caller in big spots.
I have some doubts now :) My hand is definetly bet on the river. Maybe I was thinking 1/3 PSB and then fold to a CRAI.
I would not have pot if I did not have 3s. I would have not pot river, if turn brought no flush draw.
I was pretty sure 77 and TT is out of VIllain range 99% of the time. I was playing my hand but if I start asking myself what is Villain calling with here, it gets dicey. I have seen some big pots where overpair here with some blockers calls or something beside 69+blockers...

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