DISGUSTING RIVER FOLD 6C (sorry about the HH format)

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DISGUSTING RIVER FOLD 6C (sorry about the HH format)

No specific read, villain seemed competent.
My hand was QTT6XX triple suit (probably shouldve folded to the sq due to my position and how eq runs in 6c where domination issues are enhanced).
W this said, I have one of the best hands in my range, bsides A6 ofc (this one I think I call for sure even though im not even happy about it). I was thinking if i was him, I would take that line to leverage the satck w a single A as a bluff as well. But otoh, it's fucking 6c where it is so easy to have it, and basically they always have it, that i was torn otr, didnt know what to do tbh. I wish he had bet bigger on flop or turn so i could easily dump my hand and not get here, but the prce was so ridicolous that i can't fold trips yet even in 6c.
Sidenote: *He showd one A.

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