Flop CBet-Fold SRP

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Flop CBet-Fold SRP

Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players) BN: $12.06 (Hero)
SB: $7.96
BB: $10.00
UTG: $19.51
MP: $11.03
CO: $10.00
SB is a unknown player. After 16 hands he is playing 29/0/0, SB fold vs BTN steal -(0), Raise Flop CB SRP 25%(4), C/R flop SRP 33%(3), Flop AgresionFactor 0.3, Flop Aggresion Freqqency 25%
Preflop ($0.15) Hero is BN with Q T 2 T
3 folds, Hero raises to $0.25, SB calls $0.20, BB folds
vs unknown players and nits at PLO 10 I open close to 90% from BTN
Flop ($0.60) Q 2 3
SB checks, Hero bets $0.46, SB raises to $1.65, Hero folds
I decided to fold mostly becouse vs Q3xx i have 2 live outs. But when I am looking at this hand now re-raise looks fine, more in final comments.
Final Pot SB wins $1.46
Rake is $0.06

Finnal comments :
In general my CB vs 1 Opp SRP = 73%, CB Flop Total = 64% and Flop CBet-Fold = 68% ( with is very high and I am trying to decrease it, after 66k hands). Leszek Badurowicz suggested a value of 30-40% for this stat in his video Finding the Edge in Stats (part 2) . I am aware that players with wider CB have to fold more to raises but still it is to high.

1) Versus regs with quite high raise cbet flop SRP (more than 20%) and low Bet Turn after raise Flop (<70%) who knows me I would re-shov this hand.
Mostly becouse they can try to exploit me. I would check also SB resteal vs BTN and SB fold vs BTN stats to check his range and if his range is close to lets say 15% (without premium hands cuz he 3bets them) and this 15% should be mostly hands with are good in multiway pot.
In my opinion bord Q23r is not connecting well with briefly mentioned 15 range of hands.

2) From the other side vs passiv unknow player, 100bb deep, C/R SRP =0 %, raise CB SRP = 0% fold is beter becouse this line represents a lot of strength.

3) Finnaly vs my particural opponent I think that re-shovig it is worth to try mostly becouse after 16 hands he C/R vs CB once and he is playing with 60bb what could be a sign of overagrro maniac.

I will be grateful for all tips.


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