Floping TP in 3b pot, Turning into bluff OTR

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Floping TP in 3b pot, Turning into bluff OTR

UTG: $61.26
HJ: $50
CO: $133.71
BN: $55.20 (Hero)
SB: $68.29
BB: $42.25
Preflop ($0.75) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt 8 K 6 Q
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, Hero raises to $1.25, SB raises to $4.25, BB folds, Hero calls $3
reg. 3b overall - 10.5%
SBvBU 15%
wtsd 24, cb OTF (3b pot) - 62%, OT 67%
OTR c/f 9\10 times, cbet in 3b pot 0\3

fwiw, fold to 4bet 15%
1.4k sample
Flop ($9.25) 3 Q 3 (2 Players)
SB bets $5.33, Hero calls $5.33
Turn ($19.91) 3 Q 3 7 (2 Players)
SB bets $11.64, Hero calls $11.64
River ($43.19) 3 Q 3 7 6 (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $33.98, and is all in

pre&flop more or less standard, right? 

OTT, I expect him to barrel most OPs, maybe Q* and some air to push me off my fd\pair+fd

OTR, he takes 10sec or so before checking (I assume its weakness), he could have some flushes and tons of OP -> shove to make him fold 3***, Q*, OPs, probably some flushes as we look quite strong with our line.

I most concerned about turn play here. I we call - what our plan for differenet rivers should be

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