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Fun river spot! What do you decide?

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Fun river spot! What do you decide?

Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players) BN: $14.36 (Hero)
SB: $9.04
BB: $10.83
UTG: $9.30
MP: $13.98
CO: $18.02
Preflop ($0.15) Hero is BN with 9 7 T 5
3 folds, Hero raises to $0.35, SB calls $0.30, BB calls $0.25
Flop ($1.05) T 3 5
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $0.76, SB folds, BB calls $0.76
Turn ($2.57) T 3 5 9
BB checks, Hero bets $1.86, BB calls $1.86
River ($6.29) T 3 5 9 Q
BB bets $6.02, Hero

Villain is unknown. A line you don't see that often and one I would consider rather annoying for us with our specific hand.
In the BB villain can have so much of this board as can we if he/she are defending correctly.

What do you decide on the river? Call? Fold?

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