Guessing game

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Guessing game

5-5 PLO with a $10 straddle from the button, action game with an action player raising every hand to $30 blind. And this hand he was the small blind.

$1700 effective, and the main villain is a major winner in the game and a good LAG pro that thinks a lot and reads spots well.

BB calls, 4 other calls and I make it $200 to go from the cut off button folds and It goes 6 ways to the flop. (1210 in pot) Flop comes down:

Kd Jc 8d

Checks to me and toss a 1k chip in. Oddly, as this kind of bet often gets 2-4 calls in this game on a coordinated flop like this, it goes: Fold, tank fold, fold, and then our villain who goes deep into the tank. Literally thinks for 3-5 minutes, eventually asks what I have left in my stack and raises the remaining $500. We run it twice.

I've been drinking which is almost mandatory to play this game, so I just table my hand immediately to avoid mistakes, my hand is: Ad Kc 9d 6c

First board runs out Ac 7s for a final board of:

Kd Jc 8d Ac 7s

Second board runs out 9h Js for a final board of:

Kd Jc 8d 9h Js

To be clear about the variables, this is a private game with few hard rules, and players can run it twice from any point if they all agree. And most agree to do so, once a substantial pot has been built. So our villain could have called our 1k bet and asked to run it twice from there if he so chose.

I'd like know what the RIO community would guess for the villains hand or range, and the showdown result

(Villain happens to be sober, but plays very well while drinking and him being sober in this game is rare)

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