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Hero calling on A high board vs 3 bet?

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Hero calling on A high board vs 3 bet?

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players) SB: $55.35
BB: $77.54
UTG: $31.73 (Hero)
MP: $37.73
CO: $50.48
BN: $44.21
35/22 with 9 3b - 22 3b on the button and 2 AF. He'd been 3 betting me so much in this session - decent reg.
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is UTG with Q 9 T 7
Hero raises to $0.85, 2 folds, BN raises to $2.90, 2 folds, Hero calls $2.05
don't really like the open, because of his constant 3 bets.
Flop ($6.15) 7 A Q
Hero checks, BN bets $4.75, Hero calls $4.75
Turn ($15.65) 7 A Q 9
Hero checks, BN bets $10.00, Hero calls $10.00
River ($35.65) 7 A Q 9 4
Hero checks, BN bets $26.50, Hero calls $14.08 and is all in

don't think he's betting AK for value, all the wraps and turned draws missed and I block so many of his good two pair combos, so I called it off. Thoughts? Is it too spewy at these stakes where people don't tend to 3 barrel after they miss?



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