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Learning PLO #1: Lead Turn on monoboard when villain checks?

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Learning PLO #1: Lead Turn on monoboard when villain checks?

Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players) BN: $4.89
SB: $5.51 (Hero)
BB: $5.00
UTG: $5.00
MP: $3.26
CO: $18.66
Preflop ($0.07) Hero is SB with K J T T
UTG raises to $0.14, 3 folds, Hero calls $0.12, BB folds
Flop ($0.33) 9 T J
Hero checks, UTG checks
Turn ($0.33) 9 T J 7
Hero checks, UTG bets $0.25, Hero folds
Final Pot UTG wins $0.32
Rake is $0.01

I'm a bit of a PLO noob sorry.

Is the preflop flat okay? I felt I had a nice middling pair and good connectivity. My jackhigh suit is not that good but you can't have everything am I right?

On the flop I check to the PFA. Correct on this texture?

He checks behind.
I think he does this with a straight, a low flush, a lot of air.

On the Turn I think I could turn my hand into a (semi)bluff to rep spades and my range is uncapped while his range is capped to a medium flush. But I don't have spade blockers so I don't know if that's a good spot.

Maybe a good spot to bet with the Ks?

Ok after he bets I have a really easy fold on the Turn (without reads).

If I had the nutflush on the turn should I have bet it or check/raised it??

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