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Learning PLO #2: Very clueless with bottom 2 pair+Flushdraw on the Turn

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Learning PLO #2: Very clueless with bottom 2 pair+Flushdraw on the Turn

Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players) BN: $2.64
SB: $5.00
BB: $6.14
UTG: $10.64
MP: $5.00 (Hero)
CO: $5.00
Preflop ($0.07) Hero is MP with J 9 8 J
UTG folds, Hero raises to $0.17, CO folds, BN calls $0.17, 2 folds
Flop ($0.41) 8 9 A
Hero bets $0.30, BN calls $0.30
Turn ($1.01) 8 9 A 5
Hero bets $0.65, BN raises to $2.17 and is all in, Hero calls $1.52

I'm really lost on the turn...what's really frustrating is that I block 2 Jacks so villain holding TJQx type hands or 7TJx hands is unlikely. So what can he really have?

Maybe A8xx? Or AKQJ? I think if I bet Turn I need to call off an all-in...

Maybe check/call is the right play on the turn?

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