Trying to better understand and utilize blockers

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Trying to better understand and utilize blockers

Having tried to re-integrate myself into the poker world after years away, one big difference I've observed is an increased awareness of blockers. Pre-BF I can't really remember any discussions of blockers that went very far beyond using the nut flush blocker to make a bluff, or say AA to bluff on a QKJ board.

But having consumed a lot of newer material, there seems to be way more advanced thought on blockers, things that I for sure haven't heard of, at least up till now.

Anyway, had a couple notes on some PG vids I watched a while ago and would like to hear thoughts on the blocker usage.

Hand 1: PG has JTT2hh on an 88J5dd board. He mentions how having the J blocks villain's JJ and J8. Now I definitely get how JTT2 literally is its own blocker to the J, especially with having TT remove some TJxx type hands as well. But I'm not quite getting how we can also say that having the J blocker also extends to blocking J8. (beyond that they're semi-connected?)

Hand 2: PG has AAKT on a 68T6r board. Similar to the other hand, PG mentions how having the T here blocks TT and T6. So, again the first I get but having the T extend to blocking T6 I'm unsure of.

So, any thoughts on what I'm missing here? Is there a good post on theory or math I can also check out, that helps show not just the correlation of having this T blocking the TT and the T6, but also its efficacy?

I want to be able to not just understand the concept, but also to confidently utilize this information in making decisions as well.

Thanks, guys

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