Vision trial
Posted by Hiphopapotamus
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Low Stakes
Vision trial
Hi, I’m a new member to essential I’m super interested in vision but to be honest $200 USD is currently 10 buy ins for me which is pretty significant, is there any trial option or anyway for me to grind access via a leaderboard?
Thanks in advance, also if anyone has any recommendations on a learning path for essential PLO videos I’d love to hear about it.
I’m a longtime PLO player who’s been away from the game for 10+ years because #dadlife. Now I’m just a dad donk aye, but I do have some things going for me. Currently beating .10/.25 for 20bb over very small sample. (20k hands mostly 2 tabling.) although I’m playing like dogshit in my humble opinion so I’m optimistic about leveling up.
Ps: am I using the correct forum?
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