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Weak Aces OOP in 3B pot HU. Cb the flop ?

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Weak Aces OOP in 3B pot HU. Cb the flop ?

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (5 Players) BB: $17.84
UTG: $18.70
CO: $30.83
BN: $33.37
SB: $23.65 (Hero)
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is SB with 2 A 4 A
UTG folds, CO raises to $0.85, BN folds, Hero raises to $2.80, BB folds, CO calls $1.95
Think this is a mistake to be 3Beting this in retrospect, I prefer the flat now.
Flop ($5.85) T 3 8
Hero bets $4.17, CO raises to $18.07, Hero raises to $20.85 and is all in, CO calls $2.78

I think its a tricky spot on the flop, the board hits villains range a fair amount. If we bet and get called how many turns are we happy to see? far more turns we have to check back and give up. I think what is tricky is that our hand is ahead of villains entire range, but there are so few good turns and being OOP i thnk it will be very difficult to realise our equity. Maybe this is just a check fold/ check delayed CB turn if a blank. Appreciate some thoughts

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