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Elite Pro


Mark Lammers takes a look at hands from a student that is playing the majority of his volume on PS New Jersey and talks about why the jump from 200NL to 500NL isn't going so well.

July 6, 2024 | 5 p.m.

Mark Lammers continues to review the 156 hands from his most recent session with an eye on whether his approach is approved by the solver, there is a reason for an exploit, or it's just a poor play.

April 21, 2024 | 5 p.m.

Mark Lammers grabs hands from a recent session and determines whether his VPIP'd hands are GTO approved or not.

March 31, 2024 | 5 p.m.

Mark Lammers continues to review the session that sees him battling the relatively weak pool at $1/$2 on GG.

March 3, 2024 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | EluSiVeMark posted in NLHE: $1/$2 Rush: Shaking off the Rust

Mark Lammers returns to the table after a few weeks off from poker and looks to shake the rust off with four tables of GG action.

Feb. 11, 2024 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | EluSiVeMark posted in NLHE: $1/$2 Rush: Playing My A Game

Mark Lammers picks up the action where he left off playing a very solid game, running well, and making good decisions in a number of difficult situations and walks through his process.

Dec. 10, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | EluSiVeMark posted in NLHE: 4-Tabling $1/$2 Rush

Mark Lammers loads up the footage from a $200 rush session across four tables breaking down the action in a reg-heavy pool that also features fellow RIO pro Gary Chappell.

Nov. 11, 2023 | 5 p.m.

Mark Lammers continues with his filter set on VPIP and sees a number of hands illustrating various topics that he delves into having taken notes from the solver before pressing record.

Oct. 8, 2023 | 5 p.m.

Mark Lammers reviews hands from a session that is fresh in his mind and shares all the knowledge he gathered from looking up the hands in the solver prior to recording the video.

Sept. 23, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | EluSiVeMark posted in NLHE: A Guide to Hand Reading

Mark Lammers continues his series where he offers tips and tricks to help you read hands more efficiently which is ultimately the key factor that differentiates good players from great ones.

Aug. 15, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | EluSiVeMark posted in NLHE: How to Practice Hand Reading

Mark Lammers presents a methodology that you can use to improve your hand reading skills and illustrates the drill on a selection of recent mid-stakes hands.

July 29, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | EluSiVeMark posted in NLHE: $200 Rush: Taking a Stance

Mark Lammers picks up the review of a 4-tabling Rush & Cash session that sees him face unorthodox lines from recreational players that he tries to counter effectively.

July 9, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | EluSiVeMark posted in NLHE: $200 Rush: Wild and Crazy Session

Mark Lammers examines the game tape shortly after playing the session with the hands fresh in his mind and breaks down the action from every angle.

June 23, 2023 | 5 p.m.

Mark Lammers discusses the defense strategy in the big blind when facing a small c-bet from the button. He kicks things off with our defense frequency and threshold hands on various board textures, before considering how reads on our opponents can call for adjustments.

June 9, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | EluSiVeMark posted in NLHE: $200 Rush: Overcoming Insane Rake

Mark Lammers returns with a live session in the heavily raked GG games and offers tips and tricks for dealing with this environment while still playing quality poker.

April 29, 2023 | 5 p.m.

Mark Lammers reviews a rush session that he played on GG just a few hours prior to recording. With hands still fresh in mind he shares his analysis of all hands that saw flop in this session where almost everything went right.

March 31, 2023 | 5 p.m.

Mark Lammers continues his board texture series discussing 3-bet pots as the out of position aggressor. This installment focuses on mastering A-high three-broadway boards.

Feb. 19, 2023 | 5 p.m.

Mark Lammers aka EluSiveMark launches a new study series illustrating how to improve your skills with a structured approach based on board textures. The first part starts with playing single-raised pots in position vs the BB on A-high three-broadway boards.

Jan. 31, 2023 | 5 p.m.

Mark Lammers takes a look at hands from a session where he believes he played his C game and attempts to determine whether he simply ran bad or was making poor decisions.

Jan. 22, 2023 | 5 p.m.

Mark Lammers aka EluSiVeMark discusses the c-betting strategy of SB vs BB in 3-bet pots on textures that are ten high or lower. Do you often find yourself guessing what the right play is on these flops? Mark provides a helpful categorization before training the c-bet node and how it plays out through the river.

Jan. 8, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ElusiveMark utilizes the services of GTO Wizard in an effort to examine button v BB play and the best course of action from the in position player on a variety of boards all T high or below.

Nov. 9, 2022 | 5 p.m.

Mark Lammers reviews four tough hands that he played and illustrates how he makes sure to get the most value from this type of study.

Oct. 28, 2022 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | EluSiVeMark posted in NLHE: $200 Rush: Now We Have Some Reads

Mark Lammers continues to review a session at $200 NL on GG and discusses the hands as the come with an eye toward the high rake environment and building a bit of reads on the players at this point.

July 20, 2022 | 5 p.m.

Mark Lammers breaks down the footage from a four table session that sees the hands coming fast and furious and touches on topics including the importance of being aware of the rake and how this impacts your preflop decisions.

July 1, 2022 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | EluSiVeMark posted in NLHE: Facing an Overbet on the Turn

Mark Lammers aka EluSiVeMark discusses how to construct our range to properly defend versus turn overbets in single raised pots. He touches on the general theory as well as common pool tendencies that you should consider in-game before looking at several board textures.

April 22, 2022 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | EluSiVeMark posted in NLHE: Zooming GG: 4 Banger Session

Mark Lammers battles it out with action spread across 4 tables and over 100BB's on every table making for some increasingly interesting and difficult situations against other deeper stacks.

March 19, 2022 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | EluSiVeMark posted in NLHE: A GG Session

Mark Lammers boots up four tables on GG and discusses his general approach to these heavily raked but weaker player pool games.

March 1, 2022 | 5 p.m.

Mark Lammers explores the difficult situation of holding middle pair and deciding whether to CBet or not and utilizes excel and a series of various flops to explore the properties that benefit CBetting and those that benefit Checking.

Feb. 11, 2022 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | EluSiVeMark posted in NLHE: My Study Process

Mark Lammers kicks off the new year with a breakdown of his study process including how he breaks down hands from his sessions and implements lessons into his game.

Jan. 5, 2022 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | EluSiVeMark posted in NLHE: Crushing Rush: Recs Abound

Mark Lammers aka ElusiveMark works his way through a session in postmortem fashion that features a number of interesting spots against a relatively weak player pool.

Dec. 4, 2021 | 5 p.m.

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