FearEquity's avatar


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Seems like not much happening on this forum.

Here is an update on my challange anyway:
We are cruising! Even though my ranges are probably way off, lots of leaks etc. there are just plenty-a-fish to get a ton of value from.

After 2 weeks of playing, our roll is up +400% at around $50 USD. Playing approx. 38 hours to get there.
Things will get harder since we are moving up in stakes, but I believe we should still have a great ROI for now.

Here are some of the most fun sessions so far:
Royal Flush & 50x Multiplier
Long Session with Huge Results

kk - keep krushing folks.

July 6, 2023 | 11:36 a.m.

Hello my poker friends.
About 10 days ago I decided I want to give it a shot: Turning $10 into $10k as a recreational player in the year of 2023.

Quick info about me:
I was a winning MTT player more than half a decade ago and since then haven't put in the study and grind necessary to be still on top of the game.
Not really a solver guy, I did a lot of reading and talking spots back in the day, but my current ranges etc are waaaay off.
Anyway, the low buyins on GG are very fishy and I hope to still crush it with a stable mental game, so good abc poker and by exploiting as much as I can.
I know a fair share about BR management and will try to apply some proper strategies in that regards as best as possible.

Would be very happy to find some folks here with more experience on how to study spots after a session is done (how to input into a solver or similar) and find ways to improve our game together, maybe building a study group etc.

I will be documenting every single hand I play by recording my play on video and make it publicly available on youtube.

Let me know if you are interested in this.
Do you believe such a challange is still possible in 2023? What's a realistic timeframe. I have my thoughts on the topic, but would like to hear what you guys and girls think about this first.

$10 to $10000 BR challange - Here's the first episode.
I am generally new to recording and commenting while playing, so please don't be too harsh in your critiques. Thanks.

Keep krushing,

June 29, 2023 | 1:58 p.m.

Great stuff, keep it up!

June 12, 2014 | 1:07 p.m.

Is there any way to use Kelly Criterion to determine the ideal buyin? In mathematics of poker (book), they only show a way to estimate the ideal cash-game buy-in based on your BR.

May 27, 2014 | 7:32 a.m.

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