33 points
5min in to the video and I’m struggling to focus on the content because of the continues back and forth clicking of the mouse, hard to ignore it once you hear it, sorry Pete. Maybe try a bit less coffee next time lol.
June 24, 2021 | 10:11 p.m.
Glad to have seen a rough session for once, I was getting suspicious lol.
April 12, 2021 | 10:06 p.m.
All of them as they shouldn’t be sitting on a table full of regs :D
April 8, 2021 | 10:24 p.m.
15:00 AQo hand, you say we are meant to blockbet the turn aka 7.9 into 25.7 but you are looking at the river potsize. Solver prefers big bet on the turn aka 7.9 into a 9.9 pot size :)
March 22, 2021 | 11:21 p.m.
Hey Tariq, just wondering for future content, with your way of explaining which is probably one of the better / best on essential right now (no offense towards other pro's here) as you seem to give good reasoning / explanations whilst keeping it very basic and simple, I was wondering if you could do a part of a video on how you got to this stage in your game. I know you mentioned the move up in stakes and timeframe in your first video but how and what did you exactly study or what did you find really helpful becoming the player you are now. And just to clarify that I'm not looking for some holy grail here, I just like how calm and methodically you tackle every situation on the tables :) Thanks.
March 6, 2021 | 3:43 p.m.
Just want to add some feedback on your outro Henry, I have watched loads of your videos and your in depth analysis is I'd say one of your strengths and one of the reasons I keep looking forward to every new video. As you said there are enough content creators out there with different formats but I don't see why you should simplify while most people are probably looking forward / expecting this in depth analysis of yours.
And imo this gets balanced out anyway when you play a live session as there is less time to explain. Cheers Henry!
March 6, 2021 | 3:29 p.m.
You will always be our number one but RIO could do with a bit more woman power for sure :D
Also looking at that video picture, I wouldn't want to sit on a table with cosmos1994 haha
Nov. 14, 2020 | 9:12 p.m.
Nice format, maybe a bit slow but good for a change. Showing good ‘basic’ strategy and reasoning without any crazy plays going on.
“Wish we could see showdown hands” Yes we too, without opening the replayer that is.
So who is the best player on the table then? LOL
Nov. 14, 2020 | 12:52 p.m.
Hey Tariq Haji , loved the video, very clear and well explained. I play NL50 on Unibet which does not allow any form of software so it's nice to see some video's without HUD's from time to time (although this one was because your HUD failed). Liked the hole cards section at the end as it backs up your thought process and also liked the river shoves which seems like a money printing spot when applied correctly and not something many regs do? I'll be following future videos so welcome to the site.
July 15, 2020 | 10:27 a.m.
Anyone else having a slight lag when playing? Been like that maybe since they added the replayer? Not sure.
It isn't that bad but it def isn't as smooth as it should be.
Also replayer is slow as anything to check a hand, clicking through the play is so slow.
Hey Tariq Haji , 2 preflop questions;
29:15 you fold A3s UTG when there is a weaker player (shallow stack) in the big blind, is this standard or do you fold because the button and small blind are regs?
33:15 you say you mix 3b A2o blind vs blind, is this advised vs a weaker player (shallow stack again) who probably calls more pre?
Oct. 3, 2021 | 10:30 a.m.