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Gordon BPC

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I got linked so will quickly go over some points. As everybody sees, when you have made up your mind like Ddog, evidence doesn't matter.
Thx to the posters with an open mind.
For the few rational people in the world, here are some points which you can independently verify and make up your own opinion.

  • RIO coach Eraser is coaching for us ;). Hope you still like him despite your juvenile tribalism
  • Bencb did not only "bink" 1million beating Fedor Holz HU, he also was the worlds biggest winner in 2015 in SNGs...and something else, he was also my personal student in the past. Perhaps you want to call him stupid and wacky as well...in addition to all the people whose life have been changed...
  • We are the only ones who publicly post results / encourage students to do that (even the ones who are not killing it)

  • We are the only team that successfully operates coaching for profits. Now a few more seem to give it a try, the future will show. Ask any coach (even the nice people here at RIO) why they don't offer it. I'll tell you, it's a ** ton of work and you can't hide behind some "look how good i am at balancing and math video". You can't hide behind the fact that you're a nice guy and everybody likes you. Being nice has never made any student any money.
    You can't hide behind anything because unless you make your student win, you earn nothing. So the fact that we exist, that we exist for a long time is in and of itself evidence for our unparalleled success.

  • You actually have to produce results. Having a 150+IQ yourself is not enough, you have to also teach things in a way so a 110IQ guy understands
    this and can win

    • You see that what "should" work and what "really" works are different things
  • We work with Alan Jackson, the most respected Database Analyst online poker knows. His own words after analyzing 10million+ hands about the NOBS lines are "who the hell did he (=me) know all of this"

Ok, best wishes and gl at the tables!

Oct. 3, 2016 | 1:34 p.m.

April 19, 2013 | 4:22 p.m.

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