SoundSpeed's avatar


6426 points

Great review.

24:48 shows us folding diamond more than clubs. Is that just a blocker effect?

39:45 it almost seems like we call the flop xr to set mine or just hope he checks. Even if we call, it seems we fold most turns and certainly most rivers. Hard to understand continuing with the call unless you have read opponent is overly aggressive, then it's just an exploitive play.


Feb. 10, 2025 | 8:25 p.m.

Thank you for the great reply!

With regard to #5, i see if opponent is taking 3 we would keep the 9, but do you still keep the 9 if he takes 2?

Feb. 8, 2025 | 6:42 p.m.

Looking forward to another part of this.

  1. 12:52 this is a procedural question since i haven't played a ton of mixed live. Wong fully picks up his cards and turns to where his cards are no longer over the table. My understanding is this is illegal. Is that true?

  2. I have trouble playing 5 card games live with looking at my cards and keeping them organized. The biggest issue is in draw games where i have to pull cards out. I have discarded the wrong cards in 2-7 because of this. I now lay them out and spread them out on the table to help. How do you do it?

  3. 16:40 if the pot were 3bet pre then would you call as ivey if wong raised?

  4. 18:40 so as wong, facing 2 checks, you would bet his 1 card draw? If both call and draw are you also drawing with your decent 85 draw, or do you pat and snow?

  5. 30:40 this is a somewhat generalized question, but in wongs spot if you get the 9532 draw after the first draw do you keep the 9, or only after the second draw will you keep the 9?

  6. 37:30 you mention glaser could bluff if he paired up a 2. Can he also bluff catch?

  7. 42:20 so if first draw is 3 2 and you draw 2 and you get a 9532 or 9542 and opponent checks do you still check and take 2?

  8. What if opponent bets, you call and he draws 2, do you still draw 2?
    I always thought if opponent is drawing 2 you can keep the 9 after the first draw.

  9. 54:30 if glaser had a good draw under the t, would you discard the t or still stay pat?

  10. Last hand, so should mercier always bluff after the last draw if he had a pair of 2s, or can that be used as a bluff catcher?


Feb. 8, 2025 | 1:16 a.m.

Comment | SoundSpeed commented on The Poker Masters

Enjoyed the format.

22:30 I know linde is near bottom of range but do you always bet here? Sometimes there are spots where you don't rep much and you will simply get looked up more often than not.

You mention linde unblocking qq jj but I don't think collopy ever folds those hands short of an ovetbet jam from linde. I don't think most opponents outside solver land folds.


Feb. 7, 2025 | 12:14 a.m.

Great review!

8:37 how do you feel about opponents river call? He does block some of your value while unblocking a lot of your overcard bluffs.

16:23 I'm surprised you just call. I know you are mostly chopping, but i have had some drunk/high people who would stack off there with a 9.


Feb. 5, 2025 | 6:32 p.m.

Appreciated the highway analogy for slowing down when the road gets bad. It's a good way to look at things.

Do you still drill a lot for study?

Do you like wizards drilling feature over pios?

2:43 I am surprised we don't get overbets on this turn. I would think we would have nut hands that would overbet along with the best blockers, then have more middling value hands that may go half pot.

21:30 I would have gone in the half pot region as well in order to bet higher pocket pairs and 9x. Do you feel that is too thin?


Feb. 5, 2025 | 12:41 a.m.

Great review.

4:40 table 2 would the flop be a call if the board weren't paired?

12:20 table 2 that hand has a top and middle gaps and we are facing a raise from utg. To me that hand seems fairly weak to even call much less 3bet. Though, I suppose I would prefer to 3bet before call to iso and take initiative.

18:55 same structure hand as above but now we 4 bet. It seems too weak.

23:47 table 2 are you raising turn based on his bet size being smaller? Should he be polar there?


Feb. 4, 2025 | 11:09 p.m.

Nice run Ryan!

1:20 you went to 7bb for the 3bet. I know you are oop, but given your stack size, is that a bit large?

6:10 i would bet turn here a lot to get some protection/value. Are you totally against that?

9:15 so i do understand that given stack sizes and icm we are basically in 3bet or fold mode. Is that just to apply icm pressure?

Is it to prevent squeeze jams behind if we call?

This has always confused me because 3bet/fold wastes the hand and calling and going post flop ip seems to be a good spot.

If you are at a passive table can you call?


Feb. 3, 2025 | 6:04 p.m.

16:40 yeah I meant in general but I see that is too broad and board texture matters.

38:30 yeah 2bet 3rd.

Feb. 3, 2025 | 4:48 p.m.

44:30 sorry about that. I rewatched it and I think I was wondering if after the second draw you made a t8732 and hennigan bet, would you call and would you draw 1 or still draw 2 if hennigan is pat?

Would you ever raise hennigans bet to possibly get a break?

Feb. 3, 2025 | 4:43 p.m.

I've been feeling the same way about big jams. It feels wierd. I prefer to implement smaller raises and go post flop.

In the live events i play i have seen more limping from good regs. I have never quite found a way to implement it. I feel like i would make too many mistakes if i tried to split my range. Do you feel it is necessary to have a limp range?

Feb. 2, 2025 | 1:09 a.m.

These reviews are great!

26:50 why is kq preferred to barrel over kt and k9? Maybe the t and 9 block more of our floats that fold now? However we called with almost all of our preflop range on the flop. Kinda confusing for me

29:29 we prefer to bet 55 88 without a heart. Is that because we retain more value because if we check back with a heart we can call river bets if a heart hits?

29:38 In relation to the above question, when you look at kto and some of the ato it prefers to have the heart to bet which is confusing.


Feb. 1, 2025 | 1:11 a.m.

Really hope to see a review vid on this.

6:10 do you use a jam range with ako in this spot?

9:50 do you use a limp range if you are at a tough table?

30:55 is this basically a value bet?

Thank you!

Feb. 1, 2025 | 1:09 a.m.

Outstanding video. Quite a lot to take in. I appreciate the effort you put into your graphs.

Feb. 1, 2025 | 1:09 a.m.

34:30 i wonder about the ev of xc vs bc? Vs many players they will cap us at marginal showdown and may look to bluff this river a lot.


Feb. 1, 2025 | 1:07 a.m.

Well put together video. I learned quite a bit.

27:30 regarding the change in jam range when we do not cover, i think in real life we can still jam a lot wider than what solver says so long as our stack is close to the covering stack. People won't want to risk becoming a super short stack without a great hand.

Feb. 1, 2025 | 1:06 a.m.

I appreciated seeing all the hands that hero folded. I resonated with your talk on staying solid with your ranges and not getting caught up in seeing certain players build huge stacks by playing ranges that are too wide.

10:00 are you playing hands like this at the beginning of tournaments when things play more like a cash game?

Feb. 1, 2025 | 1:05 a.m.

Great review!

3:00 I wonder if he increased his bluff range vs you because he felt your less than pot sized bet was a bit to linear and he could fold you off some stuff. It seems like a turn card where you would want to be really polar.

Jan. 25, 2025 | 3:43 a.m.

Really enjoyed the review and analysis.

First hand, on the flop vs a full stacked opponent would you look to use a large cbet size?

4:52 how do you feel about the opponents check down? I think you have a lot of ax in your range and potentially small pairs and I would have bluffed the river.


Jan. 24, 2025 | 1:16 a.m.

58:25 isn't it dangerous for wasserson to lead looking at two potentially made lows who could be freerolling him? I can see if wasserson had a stronger high hand like a flush or boat, but 2 pair can be outdrawn more easily especially vs two opponents.

Jan. 23, 2025 | 7:11 p.m.

Comment | SoundSpeed commented on $5/$10+: Reg Battle

Great live play series. Looking forward to the study videos.

5:45 table 2 88 even vs pot I would have a hard time folding with the over pair and straight future blocker s with position. Are you folding to any bet half pot and bigger?

You mention the chance of him check folding the turn is 0. So are you thinking your hand would have to be turned into a bluff almost always?

34:25 table 1 you mention tt has some 4bets vs sb but not vs bb. Is that because the sb 3bet range is more linear?


Jan. 22, 2025 | 11:16 p.m.

Interesting theory video. Pretty cool to listen in on one if your coaching sessions. Hunter Cichy does this too and it's fun to listen to.

Sometimes when concepts like these are presented and I am hit with all kinds of numbers I find it hard to convert that to range building. It becomes abstract. Perhaps I get overwhelmed.

33:35 I can relate to not always betting to avoid getting rasied. Big problem for me.

Thanks Tyler!

Jan. 22, 2025 | 10:48 p.m.

Looking forward to hu!

4:00 if you raised in late position and faced a bigger jam from late position or the blinds is it a call? From lp I would think you can call wider as jam ranges will be wider.


Jan. 22, 2025 | 9:52 p.m.

I hope you do a lot more of these!

39:40 if the 2 was offsuit should ivey peel with the gutter and 4 overcards to yockeys board?

51:15 I also feel like lindgren should check 4th, but when he catches the third club on 5th doesn't it highly decrease the number of flushes he will have? Elite players will likely have a range check on 4th or be very balanced so I suppose it doesn't matter much, but I always felt you cap your range a bit when you check back 4th in that spot.

53:15 my thought has always been if you have the better upcard to just 2 bet to avoid being unbalanced. If noori had raised into a bunch of high cards instead, will you flat the j6-6? Will you potentially even flat your whole range?


Jan. 21, 2025 | 10:19 p.m.

Really looking forward to the rest of this series!

4:00 do you ever consider betting ak as a value bet here even multiway?

I played a couple of live tournies this weekend and realized I was playing too passively with offsuit broadways pre flop both in position and out of position. I favored calling with them and didn't do a lot of 3 betting. I tend to do this with suited wheel aces as well.

I noticed you 3betting these type of hands a fair bit in a lot of your videos including this one. In general, do you find more success when you tend to 3bet more often with these hands to take control post flop?


Jan. 21, 2025 | 12:45 a.m.

Hey Dhruv,

I always appreciate your great replies and analysis.

You are right. I was trying to follow all of the action on all tabkes and didnt realize the greyed out cards were folded. It was confusing to have the cards still displayed in their hands.

Jan. 17, 2025 | 6:09 p.m.

I really like this format. I'm not sure if we have had an every hand reviewed live play review before.

30:00 do you ever exploitively find bluffs on the turn with low pocket pairs vs weaker opponents? I feel like a lot of people woyld overfold.


Jan. 17, 2025 | 2:07 a.m.

Excellent video. A lot to think about.

One very simple heuristic that I have used, and it certainly may not be accurate, is that the higher the cbet frequency with a smaller size the less you get to barrel turn and vice versa due to your range being so wide. Does that hold true a fair bit?

Jan. 17, 2025 | 12:24 a.m.

Appreciate the exploration of post flop icm strategy.

13:00 you talked about on the aaq flop there is more fold eq vs the aq2 so we bet more. I think it is reversed in real life and we will get called by all the pairs and a lot of k high broadways on the aaq flop.


Jan. 16, 2025 | 12:40 a.m.

Great analysis.

First two hands, on the flop, if the boards were rainbow or sl8ghtly more disconnected does cbet sizing go up as the pfr/3bettor would retain more eq?


Jan. 15, 2025 | 11:37 p.m.

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