Alexey Altshuller's avatar

Alexey Altshuller

11 points

enjoyable and educational as always. keep up the good work!

Oct. 26, 2017 | 11:55 a.m.

Hand History | Alexey Altshuller posted in PLO: PLO2k zoom, top set on monotone
Blinds: $10.00/$20.00 (6 Players) BN: $2131.42
SB: $5198.81
BB: $2910.90 (Hero)
UTG: $2359.74
MP: $6516.22
CO: $4935.50
Villain is Ansky. Obviously really good.
I know this is a pretty common/standard spot. Does anyone play it differently?

I know we're supposed to call river if he does this with every single one of his Ah comboes. Does he tho?
Preflop ($30.00) Hero is BB with A 5 K K
3 folds, BN raises to $70.00, SB folds, Hero raises to $220.00, BN calls $150.00
Flop ($450.00) 9 6 K
Hero bets $178.80, BN raises to $357.60, Hero calls $178.80
Turn ($1165.20) 9 6 K 5
Hero checks, BN bets $390.00, Hero calls $390.00
River ($1945.20) 9 6 K 5 A
Hero checks, BN bets $1163.82 and is all in, Hero folds
Final Pot BN wins $1942.20
Rake is $3.00

May 15, 2015 | 11:25 p.m.

Great video as always, Phil!
For the hand at 15:00, are you going to be check/calling all your wheel hands on the river and thats it? Which hands would you lead bluff on this river? I'm guessing you are probably leading out your Ac and Kc blockers on the turn, so maybe Qc-Tc? Would you also bluff with 66 or just 6x?
Thank you

April 14, 2015 | 7:23 a.m.

what he reps with this line should be fairly obvious. (AA ldo)
xraising flop is pretty suicidal in my oppinion, since we are always behind when getting it in, and the pot is going to be over 600bb
I think you've played this hand very well, Leo. Decisions on each street make a lot of sense, even if the overall play ended up being very high variance.

April 12, 2015 | 9:21 a.m.

We definetely get more money in by betting (bet/3betting if someone has a boat) than checking.
If they have a flush they will not pay off a check/raise, so against those hands you get only 1 bet in anyways.

April 12, 2015 | 9:11 a.m.

In general this board should be better for their ranges than yours, so I would start with a check.
Check/calling and check/shoving both have their merits. With this spr I think you can start with a check/call and proceed from there.

April 12, 2015 | 9:07 a.m.

I'd say oop wins more often, but ip wins bigger pots

April 7, 2015 | 12:43 p.m.

This is simply not the hand to be coldcalling 3bets oop with. While you might have a slight equity edge against the 3bettor, the playability is severely lacking, so you might not get to realize your full equity on a lot of board runouts.
Also, you are probably an equity dog to the original MP openraiser, and who is certainly not folding preflop.
I hate the "wait for a better spot" line, but it could certainly apply here. This is a very clear-cut fold pre. And also just lol@coldcalling a 3bet oop with TT45ss.

As played I guess we can unhappily call the 4bet closing the action, but tbh we shouldnt have even been in this spot to begin with.

April 7, 2015 | 8:11 a.m.

I have obviously no idea what the min 4bet ip preflop means. I would definetely be tempted to 5bet pre, but I guess we arent really an equity favorite against any reasonable range, so flatting is fine. (Fwiw I usually flat a hand like this out of the small blind, otherwise our 3betting range gets skewed towards high cards too much, and this isnt even That strong of a high card hand).
I think my standard play here (if you can even apply the word "standard" to a min-4bet pot:)), would be to open jam flop, expecting to have a ton of fold equity against his one pair hands. And with a nut gutter+nfd we are never in bad shape when we get it in.

If for some reason we decided to check flop, I would open jam turn for pretty much the same reasons.

April 7, 2015 | 8:02 a.m.

From a theoretical standpoint you should have by far the strongest range on this board, and this hand certainly doesnt mind getting folds, but can get it in if necessary.
I would probably play it the same if I decided to 3bet this hand pre (which is a bit on the looser side, but fine)

April 7, 2015 | 7:56 a.m.

3betting a hand like this against a very short open raiser doesnt really make sense. Your hand is an equity dog against a 50% opening range, and while it has alright playability its certainly not a premium.
Flatting would be the standard play here preflop by a wide margin.

Bet/calling flop is standard of course

April 7, 2015 | 7:52 a.m.

There's also a lot of villains that lead all the hands that they dont want to check call in spots like these. So hands like bare flushdraws, wraps, etc. He might also be doing it 'for protection' with AA or KK. Overall I think you absolutely have to call at least turn and figure it out on the river.

April 7, 2015 | 7:48 a.m.

I think we will reluctantly have to get it in. I don't think the button is slowplaying all that often on this flop, since it should hit both your MP opening range and SB cold-calling range extremely well. Slowplaying just wouldn't make sense for him, since he can expect at least one of you to connect relatively hard with this board. It is more likely that he picked up additional equity on the turn with a hand like 3456 or 6789, or maybe something like AA3x/AA2x.
SB could still be slowplaying a set, but he's also fairly short and might have decided that he has enough equity to get it in 3way with his pair+openender type hands.
Overall, I think we have enough equity against their ranges to call it off in this spot.

April 7, 2015 | 7:44 a.m.

With this spr I think shoving is better than calling. Basicly, we know that shoving can't be a mistake. However, if for example the turn pairs the board we might end up folding the best hand, or getting it in dead, etc.
Preflop is fine/standard I think, wouldnt even consider folding it to the 3bet closing the action, and the hand is definetely connected and plays well enough to flat the minraise open.

April 7, 2015 | 7:38 a.m.

Well played, op!
Don't wana derail the topic or self-advertise or whatever, but I'm currently doing a "$100 to $10k PLO zoom challenge", starting at the lowest stakes and trying to grind it up. I'm also streaming the whole thing on twitch. So if any of you guys are interested you can check it out on the SSPLO 2plus2 forums

April 7, 2015 | 7:32 a.m.

I have to say that your impression of the field at 1-2zoom might not be entirely correct, Phil. There are a lot of decent aggressive regs who 3 bet a lot ip, raise flops that are bad for raiser's range, shove semibluffs and generally play fairly tough. However, when they see that "MrSweets28" is their opponent, they turn into scared money. (I know I have this leak myself, as I've recently been taking shots at 1k and 2kplo and I get a little intimidated playing against guys who I know play 100-200 and higher on a regular basis)

Sept. 2, 2013 | 11:06 p.m.

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