bouscotte's avatar


97 points

You implement a strategy in which you 4b shove some of your 22-88 but what are the other type of hands do you 4b shove to balance it out?

Thank you and great video

March 17, 2024 | 9:50 p.m.

Hi Luke,

Any way to get access to that spreadsheet where you can search the flop boards and have the sizing frequencies?

Thank you

Jan. 20, 2024 | 7:50 p.m.

Great video, definitely prefer this format over the live one where you are kinda rushed to give your thoughts. Don't think pausing is annoying for the viewer, we watch those videos to learn, not to rail.

Kinda disapointing that HU videos are your least popular. That's the only category I watch and sometimes gotta wait weeks for a new upload.

March 10, 2022 | 7:42 a.m.

Live play is my favorite kind of video and you always deliver. Keep it up!

April 11, 2020 | 3:43 a.m.

I never comment on your vids but I always enjoy them... I felt like telling you today.

March 25, 2020 | 3:43 a.m.

Really liked this format.

What is the name of the randomizer you are using?


Feb. 29, 2020 | 12:15 a.m.

Good content, as usual.

I was wondering if you'd like to mix it up anytime soon with a little bit of live play?

I know we can't go as deep with the thought process while playing but I'm always curious to see what are the in-play reflexes of good players.

Sept. 25, 2019 | 3:43 a.m.

Hey Patrick, thanks for your input and thanks for the vid.

Aug. 22, 2019 | 1:34 a.m.

also, you say you will get xr more often when you bet small... obv i understand that that makes your range weaker but areyou not not considering the dead money factor?

Aug. 7, 2019 | 1:14 a.m.

Really liked that one at first glance, what I like about your vids is that you have a pretty unique style, I don't know what exactly but your vids are different from all the other ones and makes it easier to listen to the whole thing when it's probably the 200th poker vid I'm watching lifetime.

Keep up the good work!

Aug. 6, 2019 | 11:25 p.m.

Can't articulate why I loved that vid, but I did. Actually, I'll give it a shot:

Content was good but I think the main thing is that you looked like you were enjoying making the vid and really wanted to make something solid - I feel like some instructors sometimes have a 2 cool 4 school approach and lack preparation/professionalism, not the case here.

One thing, I play on a niche site, very passive, so a 3b of 25-20% in a spot is almost unheard of, as well as being 400+ deep, maybe breaking down your whole range in some spots would help for us that are almost never in those situations. I get the range check strat etc but what is your range exactly? Vilain range? and when you don't range bet/check what part of your range you value with and what part bluffs, frequencies, alternate river where ykur play changes, etc. You did a very good job with that on the last hand, though.

Thanks again, looking forward to your next vid.

July 18, 2019 | 4:33 a.m.

I believe solver is check raising a lot because you don't have the option to repop the check/raise given you didn't put any sizing for flop raise % in position, I could be wrong but it usually makes a pretty sizeable difference

Feb. 16, 2018 | 3:19 p.m.

One nasty nitroll against deanosupremo

May 27, 2017 | 2:40 a.m.

Happy to know I am not the only one that find all those live Z500 play from 3-4 of the same coach not interesting. I feel like RIO need some new blood, new coaches with different thinking/approach would be interesting.

April 22, 2017 | 3:41 a.m.

I could be wrong but it felt like the A7o that you 3bet pre was a bluff on the river Q given most of your floats were A highs and probably broadways, maybe J9s too sometimes I suppose, you said you weren't low enough in your range but I don't see many hands that are check calling flop often enough that are weaker than A7o by the river.

Fun vid, keep up the good work

Nov. 1, 2016 | 4 p.m.

Hey Juan,

What software do you use to get the randomizer on every table like this ?

Oct. 9, 2016 | 8:12 p.m.

Hi Phil, thanks a lot for reviewing my footage. I started playing a bit of PLO at the beginning of the year but have been playing NL for a long time, very flattered about the nice comments you made about my game. Maybe playing only 2 table of zoom instead of a bunch of table helped hehe! :) I realise I'm still making a lot of mistakes preflop, I still have a lot of issue with my preflop game in PLO but feel confident about my postflop strategies.

@3m J357hhxx If vilain bet's river, wich would be rare I think, would you consider turning our small flush into a bluff and shove river?

Thanks again!

Sept. 28, 2016 | 2:11 a.m.

Aug. 11, 2016 | 3:40 a.m.

I just want to say that people like you and vovanmillion that use theyr timebank to fold every single hand are just annoying and what makes tournament so unpleasent to play.

Shame on you why would you need to do this?

June 28, 2016 | 10:29 p.m.

i am having a problem loading this video on the app... It's giving me only the first two minutes

April 15, 2016 | 5:23 a.m.

I don't think he even answer to one comment in his own video's, he just doesn't give a fuck lol.

April 5, 2016 | 10:56 p.m.

would be interesting if you would explain something when you play a hand instead of just saying things like : here im gonna check/raise... sorry to say it this way, but watching this video on mute would have made no difference.

March 25, 2016 | 3:30 a.m.

i have to agree, i hope you keep posting video and there's more PLO stuff on RIO but this video was bad. you are a very interesting player and I think if you could change the format of how you do your video it would be more interesting.

  • the audio was terrible, layout with the table moving and hiding some of the action also.
  • You don't seem to be capable playing and explaining much while you play

i think you should record a video of you playing a few tables and then record on top explaining your play.

Feb. 26, 2016 | 5:26 a.m.

Hi Daniel,

At roughly the 32min mark, BBvsBTN we cc A6ss on K98r (1s). Turn Tdd checks through, and we lead ~30 into ~50 on Tx river.


What do you think of sizing?


Both BTN and BB play Tx this way, but BB holds all the straights and houses. I personally would tend to size over pot, although this does decrease the value of betting ([KJ-KQ that didn't 3bet], remaining Kx) - which I am not sure we should be betting anyways as villain has a very credible bcb bluff available to him that we might want to defend against. All of Hero's vbetting range should be good almost always. Does that cause an overbet to obtain too many folds?


On the other hand, we have very few obvious bluffs, and all our floats that are still air (assuming A6s is too loose a flop peel, which I agree with) would be 3bet pf at least some high % of the time. Does that make us want to scale down? Would you consider bluffing with a hand such as 7x?


And lastly, would you construct a c/r range on the river? I would assume that most hands that have a T in them do not want to check the river, so perhaps straights/88 for value and something like J8/Q8 as a bluff?


It seems to me that river will check through a bunch, and that Tx might not call the c/r so we do not gain an extra bet, but I figured I'd ask anyways.


Thank you very much for your time.

Oct. 8, 2015 | 8:22 p.m.

Hi Daniel,

Apologies for the late reply - hope this will still reach you.

At 3min mark, we 3bet ATo SBvBTN, flop checks through on 522s, turn 7x, we cc, river Kx chkchk and we lose vs 67s.

Shouldn't we be leading river at a high freq? At least the non 5x/7x portions of our range? This seems like as good a hand as any, and pretty darn close to the absolute bottom of our range - is it too showdown heavy?

Sept. 30, 2015 | 7:14 p.m.

Was about time someone made a video on how to run like godhimself!

April 23, 2015 | 2:43 p.m.

LOOOOOOOL so standard 1nvoker godmode

Nov. 22, 2014 | 12:41 p.m.

Nevermind, you're kinda cute actually.  Might be what was the most disturbing after all. ;)

March 20, 2014 | 3:02 a.m.

great vid ty !  I would give up the camera though, pretty much useless and we would see the action/cards better

March 14, 2014 | 3:35 p.m.

Comment | bouscotte commented on C IS FOR COOKIE

lol @ grimming the other reg because he wants to play you and you don't want to.

You sound like a huge scumbag

Feb. 24, 2014 | 11:51 p.m.

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