Sean Windover's avatar

Sean Windover

25 points


I think this is a great format. Most coaches leave all four table up while talking about one hand at a time, or even jump back and forth between tables simultaneously, but that standard format makes it way to easy to be distracted by whats going on at other tables. Focusing in on the single table forces us to pay attention to one thing at a time which is important to really absorb the information.

Also, I like when coaches are reviewing players like this who have some leaks. I find when coaches review their own play, its easy to them to get to the point where some concepts are so obvious to them, that they assume it's obvious to everyone, and they may not explain certain things. For example; at 39:06, you explain why this hand should be folded preflop. Some coaches, if they were playing 4 tables, or 2 tables zoom, they may just auto fold this spot because it's trivial to them at this point, and because theres so much other action going on, they may not bother to explain WHY they folded, but in this format, you are forced to explain it to us. This mostly just pertains to pre-flop action however.

DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE ACTION BEING BORING. The way i see it, we are paying money to LEARN, and the most important thing for that is putting out solid content, and fast paced action can take away from that. Maybe it's just me, but I don't care if the video is exciting, I care if i learn, first and foremost. However, too boring, to the point where our minds wonder, we still don't absorb anything, so obviously there must be a balance here, and since we can only talk about one thing at time, and look at one thing at a time, then one table at a time is perfect. Anyone who is here to learn should never be bored by that.

Nov. 4, 2018 | 11:33 a.m.

Nice! Rama $300 huh? Definitely some money to be made there. lol How'd you do anyway?

Oct. 17, 2015 | 5:35 p.m.

@ 31 mins A5o in bb. you mention both shoving and peeling are profitable, but you don't mention 3bet/folding. is it not profitable at all? it seems to me like 26 bb's is a lot to shove. Personally i like peeling the most since when an A flops he doesnt give you much credit for it, and I hate having to fold to a 4bet bluff. But it seems like sb is opening just about every time in this spot, and ggarethh hasn't been 3betting much here so seems like the right spot for 3bet/fold Maybe? Really just curious why you didn't mention it. Maybe there's something I'm missing. 

June 11, 2014 | 12:41 p.m.

I think we only need to see the hands you play, but we should at least see what hands you folded and a quick explanation as to why, and then skip  to the next hand. 

April 22, 2014 | 6:46 p.m.

what is the % value that pops up beside the players names and the ICM icon? How do you get those and how do they help you?

April 7, 2014 | 1:58 p.m.

no prob, and by the way, I live in Toronto too, so if you're ever out at night downtown I'd love a chance to buy you a pint. (I know you Norweigians love to drink!)

March 1, 2014 | 12:30 a.m.

Hey Espen, great video, love the series.

I just wanted to say thanks to your help and the help of some of the other pros, i've really started to figure out this online thing. I've been a profitable live game player for years now but could never make a profit online until recently, and It is because of guys like you and the other coaches releasing these videos and being active with the commentors. 

Please keep up the good work, and know that it is appreciated! 


Feb. 27, 2014 | 10:58 p.m.

Hey Jono! great videos bro, learning lots. I live in Toronto so if u still want a drinking partner let's do it up man.


March 13, 2013 | 6:30 p.m.

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