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Essential Pro
Pedro Madeira
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa jumps into the final installment of his Mastering Flop Play series discussing the rare but also often misplayed monotone flop structures. He presents his valuable aggregated reports before looking at some flop textures more deeply.
Dec. 29, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa concludes the discussion of flop play on paired boards with some nodelocking work and looks how strategy changes when players don't develop a leading range from the BB. In the second half of the video he takes a quick look at how to maneuver those rare trip flops.
Dec. 22, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa continues his examination of flop play on paired boards focusing on IP's c-betting strategy while bearing in mind if BB had a leading range or not on a specific texture.
Dec. 12, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa moves to the next chapter in his mastering flop play series focusing on paired boards and why the BB should implement a leading strategy on these textures.
Dec. 1, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa concludes his discussion of mastering flop play on low boards with a nodelock session. Throughout the video you will learn the best counter strategy when you suspect villain does not play a leading strategy.
Nov. 21, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira continues his examination of low boards in a button vs BB scenario with a deeper analysis of the game tree and the best course of action for these very common spots.
Nov. 6, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa continues his study series on mastering flop play BTN vs BB and today‘s topic is low boards where leading starts to become a thing. He discusses which boards lend themselves especially well for a lead and how BTN should react facing leads.
Oct. 27, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa shifts the focus to four interesting PKO preflop decisions he faced during his most recent high stakes live session and concludes the series with some work in HoldemResources Calculator and Power Equilab.
Oct. 13, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa continues discussing the most interesting hands of his previous live session in part two of this postflop analysis review.
Oct. 7, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa starts a hand review study session covering some tough spots that occured during his recent PKO high stakes live session. Part one focuses on postflop spots and how Pedro utilizes the solver to improve.
Sept. 23, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa picks up the action at two high stakes PKO final tables on PartyPoker and shares his strategy while playing for the top spots where the big money is piled up.
Sept. 11, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa plays the finals stages of the $530 and $1,050 PKO events on PartyPoker discussing his short stacked strategy for this phase of the tournament including the importance of implementing a limping range.
Sept. 2, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa soldiers on in his grind of a number of PKO tournaments. By now his approach to this variant is clear and he looks to stack up some bounties while applying pressure as the bubble looms.
Aug. 14, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa soldiers on in his PKO live grind as he has to take many hits to his stacks and faces a bunch of tough decisions. All of this doesn't hold him back to add another $1,000 tourney to the set up.
Aug. 4, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa picks up the action with several tables approaching the bubble and discusses how bounties impact this crucial part of the tournament.
July 22, 2019 | 5 p.m.
The PKO's are back on tap for Pedro Madeira and he has some varied stack sizes allowing him to face a number of unique scenarios where the knockouts play a pivotal role in his decision making process.
July 10, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa launches a high stakes PKO live session offering a great opportunity to apply the concepts he presented in his theoretical knockout tournament series.
You can find the PKO theory series here: Comparing Ranges - Freezeout vs. PKO
June 26, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa shifts focus to the OOP player in his approach to gear up your flop play on broadway boards and touches on check-raising frequencies vs different bet sizes and how wide the BB can defend on the different type of broadway boards.
June 9, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa returns with a deeper breakdown of broadway boards with 25BB's. He utilizes excel to organize his thoughts and break down the best course of action for a variety of scenarios.
May 26, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa breaks down the fundamental approach to broadway boards and structures the study session by different classes of broadway board.
May 15, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa dives into the first practical study session of his solver series Mastering Flop Play discussing how to navigate A high flop structures BTN vs BB with 25BB effective stacks.
March 25, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka Gusmaa introduces his new series that will guide you through an intense study plan to internalize the strategic concepts of modern and advanced flop play. If you frequently find yourself guessing what to do on different flops or have trouble understanding the logic behind the output of solvers this series is for you.
March 17, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka Gusma continues his breakdown of Risva10's deep run in this third and final installment of the series.
Feb. 17, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka Gusmaa continues his review of forum member Risva10's play and explains how to come to a decision when spots seem close.
Jan. 30, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka Gusmaa reviews forum member Risva10's deep run in a low stakes MTT and pays particular attention to bet sizing choices.
Jan. 20, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka Gusmaa finds himself in a difficult ICM spot in this installment as he looks to ladder with just 6 players remaining.
Jan. 9, 2019 | 5 p.m.
It's final table time for Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa in the Party Poker $215 $20k guaranteed Warmup. He discusses the need to play tight due to ICM and the current state of high stakes MTT's while trying to take home $6k for first.
Jan. 6, 2019 | 5 p.m.
Continuing his grind, Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa is down to the final two tables of the $215 Friday Warm-Up on PartyPoker. In this installment, he discusses ICM considerations and pay jumps while keeping an eye on the hands from other players still in the tournament.
Dec. 17, 2018 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa demonstrates his thoughts on bubble dynamcis and which factors impact shove/fold ranges as he approaches the money in a highly dynamic $55 hyper-turbo 6-max as well as in the deeper structured $215 Friday Warm-Up on PartyPoker.
Dec. 3, 2018 | 5 p.m.
Pedro Madeira aka gusmaa continues his live grind and discusses MTT schedules and bounty considerations in close spots.