MikeySars1984's avatar


4 points


My name is Jordan, and I’m 34. I’ve been playing on and off for about ten years. Some times taking it more seriously than others. Mainly depending on how much my job allows for it. I have a gorgeous wife and two amazing step children.

In September of 2017 my best friend who I got into this game with and played with constantly, died suddenly of an overdose. After that I said I would never sit at a card table again. It still doesn’t feel the same without him, but I want to give poker one last honest shot at making a living from it. I need to know at the end of it all if I don’t do it, that it wasn’t because I didn’t try or didn’t take the time to learn the game, or any number of excuses. I need to know that I gave it everything I had and I simply wasn’t good enough. I have a good grasp on the game and can play well when I’m feeling focused and confident. I do struggle with being patient, bankroll management, and being compulsive for sure. I’m hoping a couple of these sites can help me turn that around. Happy grinding.

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