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0 points

Hand History | mn87 posted in NLHE: NL400
CO: ccc: $621.70
BN: yyy: $1051.50
SB: xxx: $250.70
BB: Hero: $640.80
UTG: qqq: $492.70
HJ: Vil: $400
Preflop ($6.00) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt Q Q
qqq raises to $14, Vil raises to $42, ccc folds, yyy folds, xxx folds, Hero calls $38, qqq folds
I dont have meaningful sample to be sure about their ranges but both player are winning mid satkes regs.
I put UTG on 13.7% range( AXs,AJo+,T9s+,QJs+,PP) and UTG+1 3b range to be 3% with KK+,AKs,A4s,A5s,A6s and AJo.
Do you have a calling range in this spot. If yes, is your calling range different then QQ and AKo (99-JJ are too weak) or let me know if my approach to this spot wrong. What do you think about 4b KK+,AKs, and AQo + some Axs combos for bluffs
Flop ($100.00) 7 6 J (2 Players)
Hero checks, Vil checks
Turn ($100.00) 6 (2 Players)
Hero bets $60, Vil calls $60
River ($220.00) 8 (2 Players)
Hero bets $150, Vil raises to $298
I think I could bet less.

Nov. 5, 2013 | 11:59 a.m.

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