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Elite Pro

Chris Pimmer

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: Figuring It Out

Chris Pimmer breaks down the the notion of "figuring it out" and effectively utilizing your brain power to accomplish the task at hand.

June 18, 2024 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: The Warrior and the Monk

Chris Pimmer utilizes two characters to create a scenario demonstrating various principles that can be directly applied to both your poker game and regular life.

May 20, 2024 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: Intentional Greatness

Chris Pimmer explores intentional greatness with each of the elements it entails putting an emphasis on how it relates to success at the tables.

May 8, 2024 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: Mind-Setting

Chris Pimmer delves into the importance of aligning your mind and thoughts with your end goal as well as techniques for actually following through after you've gotten the mind right.

April 11, 2024 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: Fix Your Motivation

Chris Pimmer explores your own mind and how to rewire some circuits to improve your ability to self-motivate and stay motivated on important tasks.

March 15, 2024 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: The Venus Fly Trap

Chris Pimmer utilizes the metaphor of a venus fly trap to illustrate how as poker players we routinely think things are standard and find ourselves on autopilot when some extra consideration may have presented a highly advantageous situation.

Feb. 28, 2024 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: That Which Did Not Happen

Chris Pimmer in his typical dulcet tones offers some advice for both on and off the felt that can help center your mind and avoid the distractions that plugs modern life.

Jan. 24, 2024 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: From Zero to Hero

Chris Pimmer explores how to deal with scenarios like procrastination, the fear of losing, and paralysis by over-analysis.

Dec. 4, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: Inner Path and Outer Execution

Often there is a separation between our inner thoughts and how those manifest and Chris Pimmer seeks to bridge the gap between the two to insure that were executing our plans effectively.

Nov. 14, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: Getting Ready to Go

Chris Pimmer discusses the importance of planning and the differences between preparation and winging it and why both have their merits.

Oct. 21, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: How to Get It Right

Chris Pimmer explores how to go about making the right decision both on and off the poker tables and how proper decision making and goal setting and have massive benefits in your life.

Sept. 15, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: A New Beginning

A fresh start is critical in anything that you do and Chris Pimmer offers his thoughts on how to sweep clean and the benefits of starting from the beginning.

Aug. 24, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: Confronting Fear

Chris Pimmer delves into the factors that make up fear and how a better understanding of the different dimensions of fear can help us confront it in a way that will help you both on and off the tables.

July 28, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: Beast Mode

Being able to dedicate yourself completely to the task at hand is a critical skill for success on and off the tables and Chris Pimmer explores how to get the best from yourself.

July 15, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: On Razors Edge

Chris Pimmer explores how living your life while overextended can have disastrous effects on everything from your poker game to your mental health.

July 5, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: Winning

Chris Pimmer breaks down all the things that contribute to winning and how to manage and optimize them for the best possible approach both on and off the tables.

June 16, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in MTT, Mindset: WSOP - Crush It!

Chris Pimmer offers his take on prepping for the grind of the WSOP and how to get yourself ready for success during the grueling weeks of intense poker.

May 23, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: Simplicity

Chris Pimmer explores the concept of simplicity and how simplifying things in your life can lead to vast gains both on and off the felt.

April 24, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: Overcoming Procrastination

Chris Pimmer offers some tips and tricks to help overcome procrastination and to take full advantage of your time which is your most valuable asset.

March 1, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: How to Improve the Daily Grind

No, not a better cup of coffee. Chris Pimmer explores ways in which you can easily improve your everyday tasks that are easy wins but add up to a far better experience as you go through the mundane, day to day things on your schedule.

Feb. 2, 2023 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: How Your Brilliant Mind Betrays You

Chris Pimmer alerts you to the many ways in which your mind betrays you in everyday life but also in poker specifically. He provides many practical examples that will help you notice when you're trapping yourself and gives suggestions on how to use this knowledge to improve your poker performance.

Dec. 24, 2022 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: Consistency

Chris Pimmer discusses some of the things that stand between you and your goals and offers tips and tricks for maintaining consistency in both poker and life.

Oct. 29, 2022 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: Pimmer Live: Follow Your Own Path

Chris Pimmer changes his approach speaking directly to the camera in this installment focusing on following your own path.

Sept. 24, 2022 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: When Results are Everything (part 2)

Chris Pimmer recaps the ideas established in the first installment where he breaks down results-oriented thinking before delving into some deeper topics in the concluding part.

July 29, 2022 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: When Results are Everything

As the title would suggest, Chris Pimmer explores the pros and cons of being results oriented and how to avoid the negative spiral that can be caused when you place too much importance on the outcome and not worrying enough about the process.

July 15, 2022 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in MTT, Mindset: How to Mess Up Your Series

Chris Pimmer offers a handful of tips and tricks for a dealing with the WSOP which can prove to be a long and grueling event with countless tournaments and games available at all times of the day.

July 6, 2022 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: How to Make the Change

Chris Pimmer starts by defining the word change and then examines the best way to go about making a change in your life and learning new skills.

June 6, 2022 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: It Doesn't Matter

That which is so important today is forgotten tomorrow. Truer words are rarely spoken and Chris Pimmer seeks to provide ways to help contextualize things and realize that most issues matter far less than we believe they do especially in the moment.

May 13, 2022 | 5 p.m.

ProVideo | Chris Pimmer posted in Mindset: Changing Bad Habits

What defines a bad habit? Chris delves into this definition and the discusses how to cut these out of your life in order to achieve your goals and live your best life.

May 3, 2022 | 5 p.m.

Chris Pimmer offers some ideas on focus and how to organize in an effort to solve the problem that you actually want to solve.

March 21, 2022 | 5 p.m.

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