oriszefezs's avatar


18 points

Hey, thank you for the great videos!

Could you help me out please with a BB calling range versus a 2.5x open from the UTG and CUTOFF?

I am transitioning from fix limit to no limit and I'd like to do some work in PIO myself, but I don't know the correct blind defense ranges vs UTG and Cutoff. I know versus the MP from your video, and from another PIO video versus the button call ranges.

Jan. 21, 2017 | 8:32 p.m.

Nice video!

3:20 first table Q6 limped pot BVB 97397 you decide to bluff this river but I think it is too high
in your range and you really can't make any better hands to fold, except K3 A3. I would rather induce bluffs from busted 3x hands, or GS SD hands.

17:30 AdTh KdQdTd Jc turn how about overbetting here (maybe allin) when we freeroll our opponent? If he folds a straight it's a win and if he calls it's also a win.

Jan. 20, 2017 | 2:50 a.m.

In the last had PIO prefers to go all in with AcQx but not with the QcAx because the QcAx doesn't block the opponents AcXc hands so we can check down and win against more hands?

Jan. 18, 2017 | 2:50 a.m.

17:50 86 calling the turn and folding blank river is a pretty bad line unless the opponent shuts down with his bluffs on the river. he can raise on the turn kx+, and a ton of 1card flushdraws, and straightdraws. The 7 is a huge blank as it only improved 85 which he probably only opens the suited ones, and doesn't raise the turn with.

18:30 As I see your hud he 3bets 30% bvb so it is a very bad fold with 40% equity against his full range. Even against a tighter 15% range you have to call probably, but anything more than 20% is a very easy turn call.

20:45 I wouldn't checkraise here. As you mentioned earlier he doesnt fold any better hands with 53% wtsd (like KJ) and you only have fold equity on the cards that actually improves your hand.

24:10 A9 is a call on the river we already saw him turning Ax into a bluff in another spot, so I would expect his bluffing range to be pretty wide and the K is a scarecard so a 2x would likely check behind. Kx 5x 4x or bluff is his range.

27:25 lead to prevent a chop on the river? but checking might be better to induce a bluff

36:40 Easy valuebet, he can only have A7 and K7s which beats you and you can rep KQ KJ as a bluff. He might calls you even with AJ+ as your bet on the turn and river represents a very narrow value range

41:15 thats a fold, you dont beat any hand on this river

Jan. 14, 2017 | 11:14 p.m.

15:30 I think you have to bet here to fold out JT KT KQ QJ, QdXd, TdXd, Ks9s, or prevent a bluff from random Kx. You don't have many bluffs on this runout and Luanto is capable of realizing it so he might overfold in this spot folding Ax. You only have like 6d5d, or 9d8d to bluff, and you valuebet Ax+.

Is there a video where you explain your hud stats?

Jan. 14, 2017 | 9:49 p.m.

11:50 why do you bet the turn? Does bubman folds a lot on the river? I would rather take the freecard against most opponents as I dont expect them to fold any better hand on any river card that doesn't improve my hand anyway.

Jan. 14, 2017 | 9:32 p.m.

19:10 AdAc isolation bu vs utg limp on a board of Kd9d9h 7d. You advocate a check to induce a bluff from gutshots on the river. The problem is that he won't always bluff, but he will always call with a diamond and he has one diamond 33% of the time when he has QJ QT JT.
I think you can have 3 streets of value here against a weaker opponent from KQ KJ KT so I would

definitely bet this turn. He can also call with a pair+diamond which could fold on the river otherwise.
Betting would be bad if opponent would turn hands into bluff or would semibluff with a diamond but I don't think it's too likely given that he limped preflop.

Jan. 12, 2017 | 1:17 p.m.

Comment | oriszefezs commented on Raising Turn C-bet

I meant to delay agression with our whole range, not with AT specifically. We can gain more value with our value hands by waiting until the river.

Jan. 10, 2017 | 5:43 p.m.

Comment | oriszefezs commented on Raising Turn C-bet

First AT hand on A74r Jd board co vs mp. Given the dry nature of the board, the narrow value range and the lack of bluffs wouldn't it be better to delay the agression until the river? Especially if opponents tend to fold AK AQ etc to turn agression, it would be beneficial to delay the raise until the river to gain more value.

Jan. 10, 2017 | 5:41 p.m.

I like this session review format too.

Table 3 from 07:10 the AQ hand was interesting but you didn't comment on it. You called pre with AQo from the bigblind vs a cutoff reg, called Td9d4s flop, called a 1.5x size overbet on a 2 turn.

Could you analyze this turn call please? How do you play your range here? What is your plan for the river?

Jan. 9, 2017 | 1:19 p.m.

33:10 KcJs on the turn on a Qc3c7h Ac board: What is your range for overbetting the turn? KcJx, KcTx and K high flushes? Would you overbet other type of hands too?

Dec. 4, 2016 | 2:50 p.m.

I'd like to watch videos that are focusing on deep stack No limit holdem play.

Could you recommend me such videos?


Nov. 4, 2016 | 6:59 p.m.

At 8:00 you check the As5h2h 3way. I cant see the stats of the small blind but if he is somewhat loose with his coldcalls then it seems a good spot to Cbet 1/3. It is hard for the button to float you with the smallblind behind him, and the small blind probably has a weaker range.

Oct. 10, 2016 | 12:39 p.m.

Hi Ben, I love your videos!

At 04:10 you say that you bet this hand for protection and also because you don't bet much aces after checking preflop.

The board is KcQc6d and you have A6o. Why is betting an ace relevant in this spot? The opponent doesn't have much aces either after calling preflop and calling on the flop.

Oct. 6, 2016 | 8:33 p.m.

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