zoomoo's avatar


6 points

Thanks for the in depth reply! I should just start shoveling the snow then :)

April 28, 2017 | 7:59 p.m.

This is maybe more of a general question but it was prompted by a specific hand in the video, the 3467r just before the 9min mark.

You talk about ranges - that on turn you would have also some stronger hands in your check-call range as not to get exploited and how on the river as you are in the bottom of your range you should fold if facing a bet.

I understand this as a theoretical concept, but I have a really hard time of applying this to practice as a way of thinking about specific hands and my strategies against my opponents strategies. What makes it difficult is the fact that there are so many different board textures and situations and against any particular opponent you rarely get to the same situation so many times that you can make a definite analysis of their approach.

One thing which actually was very enlightening about this was in when in some of your previous videos you talked about breaking the strength of a players flop range based on several stats. But I don't see that approach necessarily being useful in these kind of specific board textures when our opponents might have differing strategies.

So if this is a bit of a ramble, I apologize for that :) Maybe my question is that is there some method that you use to break down this whole question in to approachable parts, and not to feel overwhelmed by it all? Thanks!

April 26, 2017 | 11:57 a.m.

Comment | zoomoo commented on Video Ideas

+1 for deep analysis videos. I would be interested in a thorough analysis of some villain's playing style (maybe someone you have at least 5k hands on). How to find his leaks, what are his noteworthy tendencies, etc

June 23, 2014 | 6:10 a.m.

One technical aspect about the recording.. The audio is clipping ie. distorting in places where you are speaking louder. This can be avoided easily and makes the video much more nicer to listen to: reduce the input level of the microphone from the software you are using to record to a level you no longer hear the distortion even when you are speaking loudly. A smal

June 4, 2014 | 3:22 p.m.

gotta love your being diplomatic: "I have this guy marked down as green which means he is a fish... at least in my opinion" ;)

May 31, 2014 | 11:06 p.m.

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