Inthelabba's avatar


11 points

Comment | Inthelabba commented on $500 Zoom:

Nice video,ty

April 27, 2019 | 8:49 p.m.

During Beta testing is streaming allowed by Run It Once?

Dec. 4, 2018 | 12:58 p.m.

Is there an estimate launch date? Would be great to be able to plan ahead for the launch to get streaming equipment etc set up

I want to support Run It Once in its vision for poker

Dec. 3, 2018 | 3:41 a.m.

I am going to move this over to 2plus2 if anyone has been following

Sept. 27, 2018 | 4:48 p.m.


I have decided to take tonight off.I was watching tv after my last session and i fell asleep and woke up on the sofa.I need a break,it will benefit me to take some more rest and be fresh for the games going into the weekend

Sept. 26, 2018 | 7:53 p.m.


It was my first night back after taking a day off.I must admit i felt so releived to not have to play poker but as the day wore on i missed the grind.I think it was the mental stimulation i was missing.I did struggle to shut off completely from thinking about poker at times
I prefer it when i am busy

I am dialled in more than i have ever been in my poker career.I have so much focus and drive in this last month,it feels good to get results from hard work put in

Despite my day off i felt a little bit jaded tonight.I was fine once i got into the session.I played a total of 6hrs.The first 5hrs not much was happening,i wasnt really involved in any big pots.I had set under set but that was it.There was one eventful hand vs a reg i play so many hours against every week.I swear my triple barrel bluff % vs this reg is almost non existent but whenever i do decide to pick a spot to do it,he just has a set everytime

I opened cut off,he 3bet sb which he does alot.I call with KJ.I will 4bet at times or fold.I dont know why i decided to throw in a call tonight

Flop A 9 4
He cbets 1/3 pot
I raise,he calls
Turn 10
He check calls my 70% pot turn bet
River 2
He check calls my jam

Shows 1010

He has to smack that turn of course.....ughhhhhh

After 5hrs in i took a break,i was up just under one buy in at 50nl.I was tempted to play 100nl but i decided to stick to my original plan of playing a few days of 50nl after the previous loss

So i took a break for an hour and hopped back in.Then it was just boom boom boom when i got back.I played for an hour,made some hands and finished my session for the night +323

It was good to get back to a winning session.The only real negative of tonight was my lack of study before the session.I got home pretty late,just ate some food and started playing.It does sound like an excuse from me.I need to prioritize study everyday

I am going to check out some of Tyler Forresters videos on here before tomorrows session

Sept. 26, 2018 | 4:40 a.m.

Yeah that is true

I am going to keep what site i play on to myself

Sept. 26, 2018 | 4:22 a.m.


My session start times seem to be getting later and later.I really struggled to get out of bed today but i forced myself to get up and into the games online

My head just didnt feel right for this session.Someone once told me its better to work smart than hard.To succeed in anything you do need to work hard but there are times when working smarter is better.Tonight should of been one of those nights i worked smarter and took the night off,my head just wasnt right all night.I definitely feel mentally fatigued

The session lasted 6.5hrs and i posted a loss of -539.I was playing three 100nl tables and two to three 50nl tables.I didnt get much going all night and lost a few big pots at 100nl KK v AA the worst of it but i have to be honest and admit tonights result was down to me playing badly and spewing in some stupid spots

I should of quit my session after the first ten minutes when i 3bet KJ off suit and triple barreled off on A 5 7 10 9 run out.Blocking AK i thought it was a good board to barrel but i think having KQ in this spot is far better hand to be triple barreling here,blocking AK and AQ.It was not good by me and what made it even worse was I did it against a fun player

I will learn from tonight.I have to realize i am not superman,i do need time to recover after long sessions of poker.The same as sleep is important,time away from the grind is just as important

I didnt get the study in i wanted to before tonights session,i did review my notes on regs but i didnt get any training videos in.I am going to take a break for the rest of the night and take tommorow off too

One positive from today was i now feel pretty comfortable playing 100nl.However i am going to stick to 50nl for my next couple of sessions and get my confidence back with a few winning sessions

I am going to watch some new show on Netflix and then i will visit some family tomorrow.I need to get out of my cave for a day!

What is crazy is i just looked back over my sessions this month and i havent had a day off in 14 days! I am shocked by that,i didnt realize it had been that long since i had a day off.No surprise my head was all over the place tonight

Sept. 24, 2018 | 2:45 a.m.

My initial thoughts are to focus on one game.Its takes alot of time to get good at one variant.Going full-time is a big transition, focusing and working on PLO exclusively will reap its rewards and allow to print money.I like having a system where 5% to 10% of cash game profits can be used for mtt shots

Mtts are profitable but it will so often eat your profits from PLO.It would definitely worth playing some mtts during the series

Best of luck with everything,if you want any advice on Vegas, where to stay for different budgets and where to play reach out to me whenever

Sept. 23, 2018 | 10:33 a.m.


I managed to watch another one of Ben's videos after my session.I decided it would be a good idea to watch it while walking on the treadmill as Ben does himself so often.I sit so many hours so it is needed.A lot of the time I feel like I am not obsorbing all the information in the videos but then something from Ben's video will pop into my head while I'm playing some sessions in the days after and I start applying it.I really have learned so much from Ben

Tonight I started my session a little bit later than planned,I had some family visiting so I spent some quality time with them before playing

A lot of my sessions feel like movies,you never really know what way it's going to end up.The first few hours of my session I couldn't win my big pots,I was on the wrong side of some AK vs KK hands and bricked some huge draws.I was winning a lot of small pots so thankfully kept the loss to only around one buy in

I played 11hrs tonight,I usually take a break 5hrs into my sessions but the games were just too good tonight to leave.I made a point previously in one of my posts about only playing 5 tables.I feel that is correct when the games are reg heavy but tonight the tables were heavily dominated by fun players,there was a lot less thinking required so I alternated between 5 and 7 tables at times

The second part of my session was pretty eventful.I took a look at the 100nl tables,they all looked good so I hopped into 3 of them.I got off to a good start flopping a set with 77 on 974 and some guy couldn't fold KK so that got me settled into 100nl early.I won a few more pots and was up a nice amount.I was quite comfortable playing 100nl tonight,there was only one reg that I haven't really played with much in the games tonight,he usually plays 100nl and 200nl

Of course I donated to him at 100nl tonight.Why is it that when we play players who play higher stakes than us we overthink situations? I squeezed with AdAc and he called with K10,I payed him off on 10d 10c 4d Qd 9h.It was so bad by me,the fish in me
"he is making a move".I am never stacking off here in my regular 50nl games the way it played out.I was pretty frustrated with myself

I had a 50nl heads up table opened up as alot of tables started breaking down,i got a fun player to sit me.He bluffed every spot,I called so I managed to bust him twice

I then had a dumb spot at 100nl,i still can't believe I called.I open AQ utg,fun player calls and reg calls

Flop Q77 rainbow.Reg checks,I check,fun player over bet jams $80.Reg folds and I call,there was only $5 in the pot.Of course he had J7...ughhhh.Just fold AQ!! He ended up giving it all away and more to the rest of the table but then to my wonderful surprise he sat me heads up at another 100nl game that had just broken.He was on mega tilt,he started open jamming 50bb pre.I found a call with KK and held vs his Q10.He reloaded for 50bb,I raised Q7ss and he called.Flop Js 5s 9s,he open jams with 5d 6s.Its a skill game ; ) He left and I was left playing 3 tables

Into the latter part of my session I had two big pots.The first at 50nl sitting 225bb deep.We are 4 handed,one fun player,one reg,an unknown player and me

The unknown was playing very aggro,he played a few pots vs the reg where he was bombing pots on scare cards quite often,he was overly aggressive

So the hand

6 max 50nl
Cut off : ($125) Villain opens to $1.50
Button : ($153) Hero Kc Ks 3bets to $4.50

Villain calls

Flop 9d 8d 4c

Villain checks
Hero bets $5

Villain raises to $15
Hero calls

Pot ($41)

Turn 6h
Villain bets $27
Hero calls $27

River 7c
Villain bets $78 all in
Hero calls

Villain shows Qd JC

My thinking when facing the flop raise was I unblock his diamond draws and his QJ,J10 type hands which would be a good range to check raise this board with.Given how aggressive he had been playing and taking spots I felt he was more than capable.My thinking didn't change on the turn.On the river when 7 hits and there is now a one card straight potentially there,he barely took anytime to jam,he didn't even consider his bet.If he has a set here on this run out he is surely going to take sometime to consider his bet but he didn't so I made the call and closed my eyes

The second hand was at 100nl.We were 4 handed,one reg,two fun players and me

So the hand was vs the reg

Cut off : ($151) Hero opens Jc 8c
Button : ($148) Villain 3bets to $8.20

Hero 4bets to $24
Villain calls $24

Pot ($51)

Flop Js 9d 8d

Hero bets $38
Villain jams all in $124

Hero calls
Villain shows Jd 5d

Turn 4c
River 10s

We scoop the pot

This reg was 3betting a very high frequency short handed,I decided to 4bet pre expecting to take the pot down pre very often.Post flop the hand plays itself but I wasn't expecting to see Jd 5d from him! I had noticed he had lost some big pots over the last two hours but I never thought he would snap and have a mental game breakdown.He definitely was having a mental game breakdown,he started spewing hard.For the next hour at the table he was the "fun player"

I finished the session +596.It was not a perfect session by me but overall I played quite well

I do feel mentally quite tired right now,I definitely need a break.I am considering taking the next day or two off but I will probably just power through,grind Sunday and take Monday off

It's been a positive few days overall,I have been feeling lot more confident in my game overall on the back of the study I have been doing.Its something I am going to continue to keep up.I won't get in any study after tonight's session,I am too exhausted but I will do some study before my Sunday session and after the session

I reviewed notes I took on regs before tonight's session and I definitely felt the benefits so I made sure I continued to take more notes again tonight during the session.I find note taking in itself to be a great along with regular study

I'll review my notes on regs again tomorrow before my session

Sept. 23, 2018 | 9:06 a.m.


I hopped back online last night after my last post.There was a good game running.It didnt run long but i managed to win 1.5 buy ins to add to the 8 buy ins i had won before that.I was pretty tired after my session but i sucked it up and did some study.I watched one of Nick Howards videos.i got in about an hours study overall

I woke up today feeling so tired.All i was thinking is i cant play poker today,i need to take today off.Its friday night how i can i take it off one of the biggest nights of the week for cash games i kept repeating to myself.I decided to suck it up and push through.I am not motivated by money but at the same time i realize i have to keep building my bankroll in order to progress so on the friday night grind i went

Tonight was a strange session.It started very slow,my card distribution was poor overall.I didnt even get any hands i could 3bet light or squeeze with.I kept my disclipine and just worked with what i was given and didnt force the situation

My card distribution improved,i started making some hands and i picked my spots well.There was one period in the session where i 4bet called off KJ off suit blind on blind vs a reg.I say reg but this guy does some weird shit.He was running like god for two hours,i wasnt involved in the action but his was hitting everything.He had stacks everywhere and i think at one point he thought the cash games were a tournament and he was the chip leader so he was required to apply pressure to everyone around.His 3 frequency was insane for this period and he was showing up with a lot of shit.I felt KJ off suit should be in my range here to 4bet.I felt it was a good time too as i hadnt put up any resistance to his 3bets previously in the session without having something.I 4bet pretty big so when he jammed i called it off hoping AQ 88-10 would be in his jamming range here.He ended up having AQ,we rivered a king to take it down so got a bit of luck

Aside from that there wasnt anything too wild going on.I do have some hands i will post here in the next few days.I think it would be good to get some posted here and maybe hear some feedback

I finished the first half of my session up 7.5 buy ins.I took a break for 1.5hrs and then i played another session winning another 3 buy ins.So finished +532 for the night

My second session started pretty wild.I was playing vs a fun player heads up.I played him last night too and the exact same thing happened vs him.I gave him 2.5 buy ins not giving him credit in spots where i should.He is terrible but sometimes these guys do get hands and i should be folding.I managed in both sessions to win it all back and more.I was pretty lucky to get it back tonight given the fact right after he won the second buy in vs me a load of regs filled the table.I made some hands and called down some bluffs getting it all back vs him and some extra

I do think that there is an underlying issue with me when i play fun players when there are no regs around.I relax too much,theres no competition so i get sloppy in my play.Its a big leak i have to fix.I have to keep playing my game to the best of my ability in every situation

I am going to watch one of Bens videos and then get some rest.I took a lot of notes in my phone on regs tonight so i might quickly go over some of them too

Sept. 23, 2018 | 7:12 a.m.

I agree GG,i always make sure i get lots of sleep,its so important

I only watched one video of Nicks so far,I think with every training video there always potential to learn something.Bens videos are my favorite definitely along with Tyler Forester

Sept. 22, 2018 | 6:43 a.m.

Thank you

Sept. 21, 2018 | 2:08 a.m.


I got up pretty late today,i struggled to get to sleep.I really have to stop eating so soon before i go to sleep

I had some breakfast and then hopped straight into the games.There was plenty of tables running but the same as last night the games started drying up after around 4.5hrs.The games usually run into the night but i think since european football has started back this week traffic has dropped.People are watching the games and likely having some beers with their friends.I think its two weeks before the next set of games so i will make sure i am starting my sessions earlier for that week

I have been enjoyed reading Onkleb poker journal.I have been able to relate to a lot of it.He talks about having a mental block when moving up to 200nl.Although i have played 100nl,i feel like everytime i do play it i have a mental game issue.I make too many assumptions and i overthink situations.Its something i need to actively work on

I watched Ben Sulskys podcast last night with Joey Ingram.I watch a lot of Bens videos on here so it was great to get more insight inside Bens great poker mind.From reading other journals and listening to some other poker podcasts like Limitless i realized i needed to play less tables

I have been playing six or seven tables at a time.The more i study,the more i have realized i need more time to analyze every situation.The more i learn the more complex the game gets every day.I need to be giving each decision the right amount of time.Playing less tables allows me to pick up bet sizing reads on different regs,see whose winning and losing and how that might affect them and a whole lot more

Tonight i played 5 tables.I felt a big difference,it didnt feel slower.I was able to give each decison the time it needed.I feel like its the best session i have played in a long time.I almost hold a badge of honor to the fact i have played over 1 million hands this year but what good is 1 million hands if you arent thinking correctly in every decison.You are only developing bad habits

I also realize i need to spend more time anaylzing regs away from the table and not just in game

Tonights session was positive in many different ways.It finished +401

I did play an interesting hand vs a reg

6 handed 50nl

I raise the button to $1 with Ah4h
Reg in sb 3bets to $4.20
I call

He is playing $50 and i cover.I have played a lot hands vs this reg,he can get a bit sticky post flop

Flop 8h 9c 5c
He cbets $3
I decide to raise to $7,its a great board for me,i can have all the sets,straight,i have good backdoor equity and at times he will be betting hands that have missed

I went with the small sizing so i would have two big bets left for him to call,applying max pressure to his calling range

He does call.Turn is Qd
I love this card J10 has now got there too if i raised flop with that.Aside from overpairs,he could have cbet and called my small flop raise with a hand like QJ which can call turn bet but would struggle to call two big bets

He checks,i bet $12
He calls
River 2s

He checks
I jam all in
He folds

I know this reg can get sticky post flop but i really dont have many bluffs here,all the straights have come in and sets

I will hop online a bit later to see if there is any late night action that has popped up,aside from that i plan on watching one of Bens videos and Nick Howards videos.I havent watched much of Nick but Onkleb in his poker journal has said great things about his videos

Sept. 21, 2018 | 1:59 a.m.

GG i will try to answer it as best as i can.I was previously motivated by money from poker and the rock star life it supposedly brings.I have had all that and it didnt bring me any long term happiness or fulfillment.I ended up losing my passion for the game

I started in poker with so much passion and love for the game.I never placed any limitations on the level i could reach.I played because i wanted to be the best,i wanted to be number one in my chosen field

Over time i lost my passion,i lost my belief.I let others views on poker get into my mindset.I became purely motivated by how much i could make in any given month.I lost sight of why i got in to poker

I am motivated by wanting to be the best.I am motivated by my love for the game and the mental stimulation that comes with it.I want to be the best at the game i love.We are here for one lifetime so why not aim to be number one.With success comes opportunities,it would be great to help less fortunate people out from my success in poker

My long term goal in poker to be the best NHLE 6 max player,to use my success in poker to have amazing experiences and to better the world around me

Sept. 21, 2018 | 1:12 a.m.

I agree James,thanks for your comment.On reflection it was not good by me.I was almost forcing myself to not be afraid to get stacks having played so passive when facing them vs mentioned regs.I had a clear vision of how i wanted to play vs these regs but i didnt have a clear range developed for the situations

Sept. 21, 2018 | 12:48 a.m.

Folding flop,we have bottom pair,no backdoor flush draw,even if Mp has flush draw he has good equity vs your hand and the sb is still to act behind

On the turn we have to be raising when we gain more equity vs this turn sizing when we are still in the hand

Sept. 20, 2018 | 9:51 a.m.

Flop bet fine,not a turn card I am betting

He is not folding any Ax or diamonds,you have no diamonds so unblock his diamond combos

I am not shoving over his river raise at 50nl,I can see the logic behind it.If it's against a reg I play against on a daily basis who I know is capable of folding then possibly.But even then I would not advocate trying to get people at 50nl to fold in these spots

Sept. 20, 2018 | 9:42 a.m.

Enjoyable thread,it's good to get an insight into other grinders lives,keep crushing

Sept. 20, 2018 | 6:03 a.m.

I definitely advocate for more online play.I played online for a year then i moved to live poker and did that exclusively for 3 years.I moved back to Europe from the US and have been playing online for the past year.My game regressed massively over those 3 years.Online should be a constant in a poker players career.It keeps you sharp and is a great learning tool.I play 50nl and 100nl now.Live 2/5 regs dont even come close to the standard of the regs in my games.I was a live 2/5 reg before this.You are definitely going down the right direction with your plans.Your game will be ahead of every 2/5 reg in your game and you will discover so many new ways to exploit their tendancies

Sept. 20, 2018 | 3:35 a.m.


Today i played quite a short session.Just 4.5hrs.For some reason the last two nights the games have been ending pretty early which is frustrating.You need regs to build games and when they all start leaving games die pretty fast

I could of played some smaller stakes but i decided it was better for me to use the time for study and to start this poker journal

My session started pretty swingy.Another reg and i were battling heads up trying to get some games going.This reg in the last week if im being honest has crushed me.He has ran good in spots but i definitely allowed him to play his game too much vs me.I didnt 4 bet enough vs him and called way too many 3 bets out of position

I had not played this reg for two days but i had played another reg yesterday who also was crushing me all session.Same issues with me calling too many 3bets out of position and not 4 betting enough.With both of them every time i did 4bet light i got jammed on.I got trigger shy,i definitely should of been throwing in some more 4bets given their 3bet frequency

I spent the vast portion after yesterdays session thinking about how i played and what i should be doing to counter both strategys

I was prepared for these two regs today

So fast forward to tonights session.I am playing heads up starting tables vs one of these regs.Lets just say i was willing to get it in pre alot vs this reg who was 3bet and 4bet happy

2nd hand in he opens button,i 3bet A4 off suit .He 4bets, fawwwk my life,he is 4betting me again.Ok im all in.Tank calls with AQ

I hate this game

Another player joins the table,probably witnessed a fish jam A4,we are now 3 handed

Reg opens sb
I am in bb with AJ, the nuts,i 3bet
Reg 4bets...i mean cmon?? like seriously fawk this guy
All in

He snaps with A5dd
We hold

The very next hand i am in the sb with JJ
He opens the button
I 3bet
He 4bets
I am so happy to be getting JJ in here
He snaps with KK
Fawkk my life, we dont catch up

An orbit later he opens sb
I 3bet J8ss in bb
He 4bets
I jam
He calls it off with 77

9s 6c 3h 5c 7d

Fawwk you we scoop it

I understand it may come across as me being tilted.I had a clear vision of how i was going to play today vs both these regs.4betting light and 3betting me light had been going on vs me over a large sample of hands,my counter to that was to attack these light 3 and 4bets more frequently and let them know i was willing to get stacks in

After these hands his 3bet and 4bet frequency was pretty much non existent vs me.If i did 3bet him he was responding with calls instead of his previous 4bets.We played 4hrs after these hands across 6 tables

I did learn from this reg that is should be attacking the weaker regs more and i did start 3betting weaker regs during tonights session more and saw high success

The rest of my session was pretty standard,no wild wild west poker.Just played my regular game and took some spots

It was a positive session +282

As this journal develops you guys will get a better understanding of my mindset.I stay pretty calm when i play,as intricate as the game is i believe its often about which reg loses his mind first and makes the big mistakes

Sept. 20, 2018 | 3:16 a.m.

I currently play 6max 50nl/100nl.Ive played over a million hands this year.The purpose of this journal is to keep myself accountable and motivated.I think it would be pretty cool to be able to document my rise though the ranks like Linus did

A little about me,

After playing online 25nl and 50nl full ring for a year I transitioned to live poker in Vegas and played there for 3 years.My regular game was 2/5 with a good sample of 5/10 games also

I moved back to Europe late last year and got back to online grinding.My game had definitely regressed playing live

In the first 6 months of the year playing online I realized I was beating the games but I struggled in a lot of spots vs better regs.I definitely had regressed playing live poker for so long.In the last few months I have started taking my poker very seriously.I keep a record of my study hours,I watch videos,think about strategy,listen to podcasts and I even have dreams while I sleep about poker hands.I play full-time with no distractions,i pretty much just live in a cave and play poker.I am fully immersed in the game and want to continue progressing.I am not motivated by money,I simply want to be the best

I currently play on a HUD free euro site where the most regular game running is 50nl with some 100nl and occasional 200nl.I will at some stage have to migrate sites as i continue to move up

I havent fully figured out what i will be posting but i will be posting daily.I have wanted to do this for a while.I hope it can be motivating both for myself and those of you following the thread

Below are my results for September so far

Positive session results in left column
Negative session results in right column

I do want to up my study time this month.I am currently only at 8hrs study for this month which i am not happy with.My goal is to have minimum one hours study each day

Sept. 20, 2018 | 2:20 a.m.

Post | Inthelabba posted in NLHE: Help posting hand histories

Hi, I play 100nl on a euro site that doesnt support HUDs.I keep trying to input hand histories here myself manually but "invalid hand" comes up when i try

Is there a way to input a hand history manually? Thanks

Sept. 20, 2018 | 1:28 a.m.

I lived in Vegas for almost 3 years,moved back to Europe late last year.On Wsop the only HUD that I knew of that worked was Holdem Indicator.It would give you stats on players but it resets blank after each session ends

Live poker in Vegas there are lots of options depending on stakes

Best from my experience

1/2 Planet Hollywood
1/3 Bellagio or Aria
2/5 100bb Bellagio
2/5 200bb Aria
2/5 300bb Wynn (My personal favorite)
5/10 100bb Bellagio

Wynn 2/5 was my personal favorite but Aria 2/5 mid morning games 10am onwards are regularly good

If you need any more info drop me a message

[email protected]

Sept. 19, 2018 | 6:39 a.m.

I currently play 6max 50nl/100nl.Ive played over a million hands this year.I know my game would benefit if I could talk/share hands.No one gets to the top by themselves

A little about me,

After playing online full ring for a year I transitioned to live poker in Vegas and played there for 3 years.My regular game was 2/5 with a good sample of 5/10 games also

I moved back to Europe late last year and got back to online grinding.My game had definitely regressed playing live

In the first 6 months of the year I realized I was beating the games but I struggled in alot of spots vs better regs.In the last two months I have started taking my poker very seriously.I keep a record of my study hours,I watch videos,think about strategy,listen to podcasts and I even have dreams while I sleep about poker hands.I play full-time with no distractions,i pretty much just live in a cave and play poker.I am fully immersed in the game and want to continue progressing.I am not motivated by money,I simply want to be the best

If you are like minded and playing 6max 100nl or above leave a comment below with contact,thank you

Sept. 19, 2018 | 6:28 a.m.

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