PokerIsHard's avatar


121 points

Hello JJ (maybe AK). Good fold.

Sept. 30, 2015 | 3:47 p.m.

Generally, we don't want to have a flatting range in SB versus CO/OTB when there is a reg in BB (because he will have good odds to flat, and he can squeeze often, and the fact to be OOP w/o initiative OTF...).

But when there is a weak / loose player in BB, or when a guy has limped, how it changes our 3B range ? Do we want to flat more hands and 3B less in order to play a maximum hands versus BB ?

A 3 linear 3 betting range SB vs OTB looks like 55+, Axs+, AJo+, KQo, T9s+, J9s+, QTs+, KTs+.

Do we want to flat almost all the broadways, Axs, add 22-44, and just 3B like TT+, AQ and some bluffs like K9s-K2s versus OTB or CO ?

Sept. 30, 2015 | 3:45 p.m.

Same question for you : why is x/c river better than x/f (see my post above) ?

Sept. 13, 2015 | 2:55 p.m.

Why is it an obvious x/calling if we check ?

I don't expect him to bluff a lot with this line : cbet / check / bet river, and he is probably vbetting river with everything that beat us (AQ his most probably holding when he took this line ; AJ ; some AK pot controling turn for some reasons), and probably checking back his Ax weaker / Jx.

Sept. 13, 2015 | 2:54 p.m.

Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (5 Players) BB: $108.89
UTG: $253.01
CO: $204.41 (Hero)
BN: $304.44
SB: $94.00
Preflop ($3.00) Hero is CO with T A
UTG folds, Hero raises to $6.00, BN raises to $16.00, 2 folds, Hero calls $10.00
Villain is a reg, quite aggro.

Before, I was never calling this hand OOP PF (always 4 Betting or folding), but in 2015, it seems like a mandatory PF call, especially with his sizing, even if I got a lot of trouble playing OOP 3B pots.
Flop ($35.00) 4 A 5
Hero checks, BN bets $15.00, Hero calls $15.00
Turn ($65.00) 4 A 5 6
Hero checks, BN checks
River ($65.00) 4 A 5 6 J

Sept. 13, 2015 | 1:01 p.m.

I am probably willing to bet all my draws on the flop, even if in this position I will have very few...

So, my CRAI range OTT will be very strong, but this situation will not happened a lot versus the same villain, and we can always bet/bet/bet next time our monsters if we play again versus him. So we don't care about balance imo.

Sept. 13, 2015 | 12:57 p.m.

Am I the only one to CRAI turn for protection ?

And very bad 3B PF imo, unless he folds like 70%+ to 3B IP.

Sept. 13, 2015 | 12:42 p.m.

Why is flop a check OOP ? Is not better to bet like 1/3 pot and make him fold his AIR hands with equity ?

And what was your plan on flop ? x/f or x/c ?

Turn play seems very easy : bet/call and bet/bet if he flats turn :)

Sept. 9, 2015 | 9:07 p.m.

Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (3 Players) SB: $167.21
BB: $200.00 (Hero)
BN: $204.48
Preflop ($3.00) Hero is BB with 9 T
BN raises to $5.00, SB folds, Hero raises to $20.00, BN calls $15.00
Flop ($41.00) 5 8 3
Hero bets $24.00, BN calls $24.00
Turn ($89.00) 5 8 3 J
Hero bets $48.00, BN calls $48.00

Sept. 9, 2015 | 3:35 p.m.

Comment | PokerIsHard commented on NL200z - 77

Check/calling this turn is asking to be raped OTR OOP versus good aggro villain.

Sept. 9, 2015 | 1:49 a.m.

If MP is a strong player, really boring pre & postflop, that's not bad to play really really tight OOP and give up the marginal / high variance spots.

Sept. 8, 2015 | 10:58 a.m.

Not sure about the TT call OOP when CO 4 bets so big. Looks like a shove or fold PF. What was your plan on 992r ?

You are not running very good, a lot of bad spots. Very surprised by the trappy / passive style of the regz OOP (KJ on Jxx J x ; KK on low board ; KJ on AQT x).

And I hate the bet with JT on AQT 9 on the turn IP. I check back all day long with my open ended + pair.

What do you think about a x/c with AJ on J9x x 8 on the river ? Or a CR OTT ?

Sept. 7, 2015 | 8:46 p.m.

I like a fold OTT, because we have a lot of reverse implieds, and we don't know which cards will be good for us (if any...).

And when he x/c, then donks the turn, you can expect an all-in river very often, so even IP that's not great to flat.

May 20, 2015 | 4:09 a.m.

Comment | PokerIsHard commented on TPGK vs 3barrell

I can even fold turn sometimes.

March 28, 2015 | 7:27 a.m.

If I bet river, I bet pretty small, like 50 or 75€.

Feb. 25, 2015 | 7:46 p.m.

You level yourself versus the small turn bet.

Feb. 14, 2015 | 4:24 a.m.

Start by betting.

Feb. 13, 2015 | 1:15 a.m.

Just ship, punish CO from his high raise % vs cbet.

Feb. 13, 2015 | 1:12 a.m.

OTB turn raise is probably the worst move ever I've seen so far this year.

Feb. 12, 2015 | 5:22 p.m.

Comment | PokerIsHard commented on Stats and Notes

VPIP, PFR and aggr. % :)

I don't think we will have enough hands that very specific stats will be interesting.

Feb. 12, 2015 | 5:19 p.m.

Comment | PokerIsHard commented on Is this a X/F?

I ship or x/f according to reads.

W/o reads, I probably x/c turn (he can bet his floats, and if he checks back, we can vbet Ri, cause I don't think we got 3 streets of value on AQx with AK), x/f river.

Feb. 11, 2015 | 6:46 p.m.

I probably just x/f this flop 4 ways OOP.

I lead turn on a brick if it is check / check / check / check on the flop.

Feb. 10, 2015 | 2:40 a.m.

I am never folding 100bb deep. If I lose, it's a cooler. And we beat some hands (AQ).

Feb. 10, 2015 | 2:34 a.m.

PF cold call is fine if you play good postflop.

IP you will win a fair amount unimproved, and you can get to SD very often when you hit an A or K. This is cleary not the case here, you are fucked like always OTT.

Feb. 9, 2015 | 2:33 a.m.

Comment | PokerIsHard commented on AQo 4B pot

There is a difference between a 4B and a cold 4B.

Feb. 9, 2015 | 2:29 a.m.

I make a nitty fold OTT, we split at best, UTG can be slowplaying, and the line from UTG+1 is so strong.

Feb. 8, 2015 | 6:46 p.m.

Comment | PokerIsHard commented on AQo 4B pot

I fold versus the 4B, AQo is really a shitty hand, even IP.

Feb. 8, 2015 | 6:44 p.m.

Why do you want to x/f almost every turn after a cbet ? He probably doesn't have always Qx+ when he call you on the flop. And he is probably not firing every river when you take this line (cbet, x/c, x)

Feb. 8, 2015 | 6:28 a.m.

Comment | PokerIsHard commented on AQQr 3bp

I think if he got JT, KT, JJ or Ax, villain will probably check back a decent amount on this turn (pair + SD, we want to see a river).

When he bets turn, he is very polarized (Qx+ or total float). I don't think he will float you so much on this board, so maybe turn is a x/f (even if I never x/f turn when I am playing).

River seems well played, that's an easy fold. Please don't shove XD

Feb. 7, 2015 | 9:18 p.m.

I am so happy to flat PF, because we will almost always see a flop 3 ways, so if we hit, it is the jackpot.

Isolate yourself versus the reg and splashing out the fish is probably the worst choice.

If CO was a reg, the decision is a little closest.

Feb. 7, 2015 | 6:07 a.m.

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