Onklebs 2020
Posted by Onkleb
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Poker Journals
Onklebs 2020
Hi guys. Wasnt sure at all if i should start another journal, but here we go.
For newcomers im Toni, full time poker player from Finland. Currently im playing nl200 on pokerstars, and been playing only nl200 for 1,5 years now. Results for last two years. For more background stuff you can check my old journals (2019, 2018).
Just came back from longer holiday where i had time to reflect what i want from future and specifically from 2020. I realized that i really should to try to go forward and move up in limits, even if that means failing badly. Worst thing that could happen is that i dont even try to move up and i have to regret that later. Also my life situation is such that im able to really focus on poker, if i want to do so. Having said that im still focusing to keep poker and life in balance. So not going to lock up and pull 100k hand months or grind 10 hour days.
So what to expect from this journal? Cant really say much. Have been really struggling to come up what to post lately, so cant really promise much. Also im going to check results as little as possible, so cant even offer monthly graphs :/ But if you guys have any questions im happy to answer them, and based on those i usually find something to write about.
But thats all for now, good luck for 2020. (:
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